I'm having issues with being able to extract say 4 parameters from the NC data of an Axis.
I have the ADSREAD Function block but need to align it with something (if I'm correct, an ARRAY or Structure aside a loop) to get the information I need.
The Parameters for example would be:
Max Velocity: IndexGroup : 0x00004001, IndexOffset: 0x00000027, Length = 8.
I'm having issues with being able to extract say 4 parameters from the NC data of an Axis.
I have the ADSREAD Function block but need to align it with something (if I'm correct, an ARRAY or Structure aside a loop) to get the information I need.
The Parameters for example would be:
Max Velocity: IndexGroup : 0x00004001, IndexOffset: 0x00000027, Length = 8.
Ref Velocity: IndexGroup : 0x00007001, IndexOffset: 0x00000101, Length = 8.
I've downloaded the example from infosys, but struggling to understand the nCounter function etc.
Any advise would be much appreciated.