Closed robertsabo0 closed 5 years ago
Hi Robert, TwinCAT ADS .NET from: requires TwinCAT ADS-DLL from your TwinCAT Installation :-(
The opensource library (AdsLib) you find here on GitHub is intended as a replacement for TwinCAT ADS-DLL, but the feature set is not 100% equal. The opensource library is limited by:
)I don't know the details of TwinCAT ADS .NET, but I am pretty sure the missing router is already a show stopper to make it work with opensource AdsLib.
I know of a Python wrapper which uses AdsLib:
Maybe you find a .NET fork on github, too:
Regards, Patrick
There is an ADS driver on Sourceforge that uses the TCP/IP stack instead of the AMS router, so it will possibly work on Linux under Mono:
The catch is the TwinCAT 2 AMS router has a flaw in which it will catch traffic and no matter which TCP/IP port it is received on, it will respond to the standard TwinCAT port, therefore the driver will not work if TwinCAT 2 is installed on the same PC (Of course Linux is not an issue). So far my tests seem to show this flaw does not exist in the TwinCAT 3 router.
I'm working on implementation of reading PLC with TwinCAT 2 from .NET application. On windows, I succeed, and all is good. But on Linux (using mono) I cannot connect to PLC.
I installed c++ lib as docs says (
When I run my code I got error that dll is not found:
Unhandled Exception: TwinCAT.Ads.AdsInitializeException: ADS could not be initialized because the 'TcAdsDll.dll' is not found! Please check DLL search paths! (tcadsdll.dll) ---> System.DllNotFoundException: tcadsdll.dll at (wrapper managed-to-native) TwinCAT.Ads.Internal.TcAdsDllWrapper+UnsafeNativeMethods.AdsGetDllVersion()
I guess the reason is that I installed c++ lib for ADS, not .NET.
Am I wrong? Is it possible to read TwinCAT using .NET from Linux?