BecksLab / JuliaTutorials_BecksLab

A series of tutorial to learn how to use Julia in Visual Studio Code
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R -> Julia cheatsheet? #7

Open TanyaS08 opened 2 months ago

TanyaS08 commented 2 months ago

I think it might be nice to collate some of the differences between R and Julia as a little cheatsheet (read table) of sorts? Might be a cleaner way to show things as opposed to doing it in text.

TanyaS08 commented 2 months ago

This is sort of the first pass I made

action R Julia
checking current working directory getwd() pwd()
install a package install.package(PACKAGE_NAME) Pkg.add(PACKAGE_NAME) ] add PACKAGE_NAME
call/import a package library(PACKAGE_NAME) using PACKAGE_NAME
resolving naming conflicts (functions from different packages with the same name) PACKAGE_NAME::function() PACKAGE_NAME.function()
calling column from dataframe df\$COL_NAME df.COL_NAME
calling the first elements of a dataframe head() first()
calling the last elements of a dataframe tail() last()