Bedework / bedework

An Enterprise Calendar and Scheduling System
Apache License 2.0
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How do you set the Proxy Settings for building the Bedework 3.10.X Calendar? #112

Open BillRowe opened 7 years ago

BillRowe commented 7 years ago

We are attempting to build the open source calendar framework, Bedework 3.10.4:

BUILD Command--> bw -dc bedework/config/ -offline build It relies on "apache-ant-1.7.0" which comes with the installation, but the build continues to report it cannot open a connection to retrieve the *.POM files:

build-init: [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: commons-codec/commons-codec/1.5/commons-cod ec-1.5.pom from repository at t/groups/public [artifact:dependencies] Error transferring file: Connection timed out: connect

I've set the ANT_OPS in the BW.BAT start files in windows as well as the system properties and nothing.

Tried building on LINUX with the same result.

• Any thoughts on what I can try?

• A maven or additional ANT setting?