BedrockStreaming / Statsd

PHP component easing the statsd usage
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Keep socket connected between each writeDatas() call #16

Closed romibuzi closed 8 years ago

romibuzi commented 8 years ago

Actually if we got X data to send on statsd, the client will open and close X sockets to the statsd server.

This PR modifies this behavior to 'persist' socket between each date write.

The downsite I see is in case of long running PHP jobs, where it can not be a nice thing to let socket opened for a long time. But in a web context, it's nice.

omansour commented 8 years ago

hey @Romibuzi I dont think it's a good idea. I want the lib be usable in long running command. Check how we use the lib in our sf2 bundle, me manage to open and close the socket just one time per thread. Actually, you don't have to call ->send() each time you call ->increment() or other methods.

romibuzi commented 8 years ago

Hey @omansour, thank you for your feedback ! Indeed if you call only send() one time at the end it will open and close just one socket, i was not sure of this behavior