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[3d] Create Category #132

Open SquatchHunter opened 3 days ago

SquatchHunter commented 3 days ago

Since we know its possible to use attachables for 3d items, we may as well make the 3d category and the following things will need to be done;

Do we still need to check if 3d blocks like redstone, bars, chains ect can be done? or is not possible.

PAPISOP commented 3 days ago

We cannot change the models of block so no, redstone, bars, chains, etc are not possible. Only items can be made 3D

SquatchHunter commented 3 days ago

we can, unsure if we can overwrite the vanilla blocks. custom blocks are quite powerful now.

MPAD2277 commented 2 days ago

"Blockshapes are essentially block geometries or models that are hard-coded into vanilla, meaning that they exist without having accessible files." - Bedrock Wiki

Which means we cant make custom blockshapes since its hard-coded. We can only use existing blockshapes

SquatchHunter commented 2 days ago

I have literally made custom block shapes. I made a grave which was half the hight of a slab and had a even lower lip around the whole thing also did you miss BOTH of the 2 disclaimers at the top of the page saying its no longer supported and a rework is due for like most of Bedrock Wiki

My question / concern was - can we use custom block models and overwrite vanilla blocks.

edit: answered in discord