BedrockTweaks / Files

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feat(files): All Aesthetic Packs (except More Zombies) + fix(files): formatting of packs.json #89

Closed NSPC911 closed 6 days ago

NSPC911 commented 1 week ago

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NSPC911 commented 1 week ago

Branch name was fixed according to

There are two things done in the PR, so the branch name had to be unnecessarily long

NSPC911 commented 1 week ago

Okay, so I'm not sure why it still shows this image even though I resolved it

drav0011 commented 1 week ago

Also image Dark oak fence seems to not be working

drav0011 commented 1 week ago

Fence textures do not seem to match vanilla tweaks image image

NSPC911 commented 1 week ago

mb, ill move the plank texture by a bit, and fix the dark oak fence

NSPC911 commented 1 week ago


Fixed the fences, but not sure how to on the gates

isotropic view of oak fence isotropic view

NSPC911 commented 1 week ago

Apart from those 2 small notes, the fence gates are not looking the same The most important difference is the smootheness of the texture, you can note in bedrock it has artifacts (random dark spots, vertical lines, large color changes)

so i just remove the darkspots of the fence and what about the fence gates? whats the issue with them?

NSPC911 commented 1 week ago

Refer to>general for more info on the fence issue