Magazine training (train the mice to get food from the pellet dispenser):
50 trials in total (which in this case correspond to the animal getting food 50 times)
Inter trial interval (a random choice between 4,8,16 and 32 seconds)
Once ITI finishes, magazine LED turns on, and a food pellet is dispensed
System keeps waiting indefinetely for input from the IR beam at the food well. When the beam is disrupted, we know the animal found the reward.
Once animal has broken the beam, the ITI starts again
T1 phase starts immediatly after previous phase is concluded
all 5 nosepokes illuminate and system waits for a nose poke
Once a nose poke is registered in any of the doors, NP lights turn off and the light in the food dispenser turns on
System waits for reward to be collected
No information on whether or not an ITI was used in this case but I suspect it was similar to magazine training
this phase ends also with 50 rewards
T2 phase also starts immediatly after previous phase
trial starts by turning on the food dispenser light and waits for the animal to interact with it (break the IR beam), which turns the light off.
5 seconds ITI
One of the nose poke ports LED turns on. Response in the illuminated port turns the NP LED off and turns the food dispenser LED on, while also dispensing a food pellet. (responses to the non-illuminated NP leads to no rewards, nor time outs).
Once the food is collected, the food dispenser led turns off
consumption interval - 20 seconds of "nothing"
start from the top.
repeat everything 100 times (100 rewards)
5- choice serial reaction time task PHASE 1
trial starts similarly to T2.
5 second ITI
one of the NP port LED turns on for a specific amount of time (as defined by stimulus duration variable).
A response in the illuminated port, during stimulus duration, or up to 4 seconds after it turns the NP LED off.
Food dispenser LED turns on, food is dispensed.
Once food is collected, 20 sec of consumption interval
after consumption interval, start the next trial
In this phase, incorrect responses (either the wrong NP interaction, or a NP during ITI) or omissions lead to a 5 sec timeout period. After the timeout, the food dispenser LED turns on, so the animal starts the next trial
In this phase stimulus duration started at 16 seconds, being gradually decreased in steps (8, 4, 2, 1.5, 1 sec) everytime a criteria was met: at least 50 started trials, 60% accuracy and [ommissions<30% OR number of correct responses >=200]. accuracy and ommission percentages were calculated using running averages with window size 20.
this system is being built for a specific task used in Sarah King's lab. Therefore we need to code the different stages of this task in a way that:
Phases of the task are: