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Removes hunger debuffs + Oozeling blood changes #11771

Open XeonMations opened 3 weeks ago

XeonMations commented 3 weeks ago

About The Pull Request

As the title says, the PR completely removes all non-species specific hunger debuffs. This includes:

The PR also increases the minimum and maximum amounts people are fed at roundstart, which should make hunger at roundstart not possible, giving chefs more time to prepare.

Why It's Good For The Game

Having debilitating debuffs for not interacting with a system is quite annoying.

Species changes + Hunger debuff removal approved by @Rukofamicom

Testing Photographs and Procedure

Screenshots&Videos ---
Movement speed decrease removal
Junk Food


:cl: XeonMations, Rukofamicom balance: Oozelings losing limbs should now provide more time for the oozeling to obtain a meal source. balance: Hunger related speed changes have been removed, including being fat. balance: Centcom's service department has issued additional lunch breaks before shifts. All crew members should no longer be able to be hungry before their shift. /:cl:

Rukofamicom commented 3 weeks ago

Upon looking at the activate proc again more critically, I think it's a bit obtuse. This will do the same thing while simplifying it substantially.

    var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = owner
    var/list/limbs_to_heal = H.get_missing_limbs()
        to_chat(H, "<span class='notice'>You feel intact enough as it is.</span>")
    to_chat(H, "<span class='notice'>You focus intently on your missing [limbs_to_heal.len >= 2 ? "limbs" : "limb"]...</span>")
    while(H.blood_volume >= BLOOD_VOLUME_SAFE && LAZYLEN(limbs_to_heal))
        if(do_after(H, 30, target = H))
            var/healed_limb = pick(limbs_to_heal)
            limbs_to_heal -= healed_limb
            H.blood_volume -= (BLOOD_VOLUME_SAFE - BLOOD_VOLUME_OKAY)
            H.nutrition -= 40
        to_chat(H, "<span class='warning'>...but there is not enough of you to go around! You must attain more blood volume to fully heal!</span>")
Tsar-Salat commented 3 weeks ago

Having debilitating debuffs for not interacting with a system is quite annoying.

balance: Hunger related speed changes have been removed, including being fat.

I dislike what the "It's Good for the Game" implies.

It feels misleading because being fat and getting slowdown is not from ignoring the system, but from mindlessly chowing down on either massive foods with meant for multiple people (whole pound cakes), 6 stack high custom burger or a bunch of food meant for many people.

This is obviously a bit of an exaggeration, but I think in this pr you are thinking too much about individual player moods.

When I play chef I make a variety of food for a variety of crew. I dislike that you are removing the one punitive measure that stops assistants from eating half my table and not sharing. (Besides smashing their head in). I think people should remain naturally inclined to not gorge themselves.

All in all, I see why the shift away from mood and hunger-based movement is needed, but this doesn't fit why fatness exists.

PowerfulBacon commented 3 weeks ago

This alone is essentially just a complete removal of hunger. I'm never going to the kitchen if I have no reason to do so.

Rukofamicom commented 3 weeks ago

Fatness is still shows up on examine and affects mood 😞

This alone is essentially just a complete removal of hunger. I'm never going to the kitchen if I have no reason to do so

This should be merged alongside the port of food buffs for prepared foods then. They're only separate so they can be considered separately.

Rukofamicom commented 3 weeks ago

I dislike that you are removing the one punitive measure that stops assistants from eating half my table and not sharing.

You are unable to eat past a certain point of satiety, usually reaching this point makes you fat but they are not directly connected.

Rukofamicom commented 3 weeks ago

Adding label because this should only be merged after #11770

The linked PR can be merged without this with no problem, but this should really only be merged as part of or after chef food buffs are in.