Beee4life / acf-city-selector

An ACF extension to create a new field type, where you can select a city based on country and provence/state.
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Cities not displaying into select list in custom post type edition #115

Open aandreos opened 1 year ago

aandreos commented 1 year ago

Hello, Since a few days, my new cities aren't displaying into the select list when I'm editing/creating a new custom post type event, which is using the city selector. My new cities are correctly added into the database (I've checked by the search tab into the City Selector plugin and into the database of the website). But, when I'm editing an event, I don't have the new added cities displaying into the select list. I've tried deleting transients, deleting cache, etc. I've ACF and City Selector up to date. Do you have any idea what is going wrong? It was working fine a few days ago but now, it's not and I can't find why... Thanks a lot for your feedback. Best regards, Anaïs

Beee4life commented 1 year ago

Anaïs, I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard to pinpoint an issue with this info.

Are you using Elementor or the Gutenberg editor ?

Have you tested with the latest version ? Or just reinstall the plugin entirely ?