Beej126 / SingleInstanceAccumulator

Useful for multi-file shell context menu actions
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Question: How can I run a powershell script via SingleInstanceAccumulator as admin? #13

Open futuremotiondev opened 2 months ago

futuremotiondev commented 2 months ago

This is an example registry entry I am using:

"%FM_BIN%\SingleInstanceAccumulator.exe" -t:125 -f "-c:pwsh -noprofile -noexit -Command \"& '%FM_PS_WRAPPERS%\Image\ImgOps-A07-CropSVG.ps1' -Overwrite -FileList $files \"" "%1"

But I'm running into "access denied" and permissions errors in some cases. I need to run this as admin, but I don't know how to alter the syntax to achieve this.

Any way you can point me in the right direction?

Thanks so much for any additional help.

Beej126 commented 2 months ago

let me know how that goes