BeejLuig / currency-converter

Chrome extension for converting currencies on the fly
MIT License
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Research ways that currencies are displayed #1

Open BeejLuig opened 6 years ago

BeejLuig commented 6 years ago

Put reference websites below:

BeejLuig commented 6 years ago actually allows you to select nearly EVERY currency available and see it in a list form. Pretty neat!

Potential parsing roadblocks:

Potential solutions:

The currency sections of the toLocaleString docs reference this official currency list. I used this list for the static currency-codes.json

BeejLuig commented 6 years ago

Looks like we can handle issue #2 from here as well

kerrykimrusso commented 6 years ago

Look into use case for toLocaleString (yay browser APIs 🙌)

The amount of localization in web APIs always astounds me even though it shouldn't.

BeejLuig commented 6 years ago

Yes, we want to lean on as many web APIs as possible, only using 3rd party libraries if necessary

BeejLuig commented 6 years ago

Pretty thorough article on currency localization: