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repaired PDF annotation identification mechanism #274

Closed Joeran closed 10 years ago

Joeran commented 10 years ago

Something is wrong with the annotation system. When you check-out my dissertation project, and update the incoming mind map only the problem in #273 should occur. Now, when you create a new comment in the PDF "Being accurate is not enough -- how accuracy metrics have hurt recommender systems.pdf", the following new conflict occurs


Note that both annotations in that conflict dialog ("user expectations" and "example in which music...") exist in the PDF


Something is really strange here. First: Why did the conflict not occur before creating the new annotation? Second, why is the conflict shown for two annotations that both exist in the PDF?

Joeran commented 10 years ago

The problem occurs also for other PDFs. For instance, create a comment in "an introduction to information retrieval - complete ebook 2009.pdf" and you will also have some new conflicts. Btw. it doesn't matter whether I select "Always incremental save" or "Always full save" in PDFXV. The problem always occurs

Joeran commented 10 years ago

i tested a little bit more. when i create a new comment in the pdf "Being accurate..." with Foxit reader, everything is fine. This means, it must be a PDF XChange Viewer problem when I save the PDF. However, since we use our internal IDs, this problem should not occur?

Joeran commented 10 years ago

I created a new comment "foxit text" in the PDF with FOXIT reader. The comment was properly imported by Docear. image

Then, I deleted the PDF and restored the old version (without the FOXIT comment) from my SVN. I opened the PDF with PDFXV and created the comment "pdfxcanno" and updated the mind map. What should have happened is that the old annotation "foxit test" was deleted since it is orphaned and the new annotation should have been imported. Instead, this conflict dialog appeared


Important to note is that in PDFXV I enabled "Always incremantal save". When I enable "full save" this problem does not occur.

Joeran commented 10 years ago

and another issue

I refresh my incoming mind map. Everything is "normal" (except the conflict for the paper "Classifiers without borders", see #273)


Now, I go to the node "Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems.pdf"...


... and delete all annotations...


When I now refresh my incoming map again, I get a conflict between one annotation in my trash map and one of the newly imported annotations. how can that be? why wasn't the conflict being discovered previously on the first refresh?


Joeran commented 10 years ago

i have also a problem with Adobe Reader. When I add a comment to "Enhancing digital libraries with TechLens.pdf" with Adobe Reader I get a conflict in Docear