BeelGroup / Docear-Desktop

Docear's desktop version (GPL)
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Exceptions when "Manual", "FAQ" etc buttons are pressed #436

Open Joeran opened 10 years ago

Joeran commented 10 years ago

One user receives lots of exceptions when pressing some buttons in the ribbons. He sent the log file on August 10, 2014. Subject "internal errors".

see also

I have just installed v1.1.0.1 build232 on WINDOWS 7 64bit I found most of the buttons in the help menu would not work. eg: Manual, FAQ, Docears Homepage,etc I then noticed abutton in the bottom left corner of the screen which displayed "53 errors" Hovering the mouse over this button the information box displayed reads - "Internal errors occurred. Click to open the latest file log. 0 for more info" Clicking the button does not open the log file it just increases the error count (by 53 per click)

I opened the folder ...docear\logs and confirmed there is a log.0 file however the contents dont make sense to me, other than it seems to be a JAVA problem. I attach the log file to this message for your reference.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program but the same behaviour results.

stlanger commented 10 years ago

the interesting part is:

STDERR: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" 
STDERR: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.jna.Native

I am not sure why this class could not be initialized

stlanger commented 10 years ago

implemented fallback --> if class fails to be initialized for one time, use "normal" procedures (the same non-Windows-OS use)