BeelGroup / Docear-Desktop

Docear's desktop version (GPL)
296 stars 90 forks source link

Support TRIZ method #466

Closed gaobrian closed 7 years ago

gaobrian commented 9 years ago

Catch up latest

Joeran commented 9 years ago

@gaobrian can you explain what your new code is doing?

koppor commented 9 years ago

The contribution includes the source of the Fast JSON Processor. It should be included as binary via Apache Ivy.

buhtz commented 7 years ago

I would recommend to close that PR without merging.

There is not enough information provided.

There is only one (definitly to big!) commit in that PR.

And it is to old (7 month) without any activity.

evolve2k commented 7 years ago

The PR attempts to rebrand the logo with the term "Trizable" as well as includes a bunch of code from alibaba. Not passing the smell test for me. I would recommend this PR is rejected and the author can defend it and reopen a smaller PR if they so desire.

Recommend close now. Better not to risk having someone accidentally merge this.