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Unable to move pdf files in Docear/Jabref #475

Open Growling-Bear opened 8 years ago

Growling-Bear commented 8 years ago


I've beed using Jabref for a while and everything works fine. Moving to Docear with Jabref inside, the move-pdf feature does not seem to work, I get the "File directory is not set or does not exist!" message when rightclick>rename/move file on the pdf.

My bib looks like this with nonexistant relative paths as my .bib is in the same directory as the .pdf : @ARTICLE{aharon2008sparse, author = {Aharon, M. and Elad, M.}, title = {Sparse and redundant modeling of image content using an image-signature-dictionary}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences}, dcr_bibtex_id = {3397}, dcr_pdf_hash = {749E2936B1501D868BD41A5AB926414AD9B3847B6B32D997D6CB0C2816FA7}, file = {:aharon2008sparse.pdf:PDF}, publisher = {SIAM} }

PS : Jabref is not in its latest version inside Docear.

Sincerely Arnaud

Growling-Bear commented 8 years ago

It seems to be the "file directory" property in JabRef, set by "File>Database Properties". But this menu is unavailable in Docear.