Beep6581 / RawTherapee

A powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please support Rust-free `librsvg` #7060

Open barracuda156 opened 1 month ago

barracuda156 commented 1 month ago

Please support Rust-free librsvg, since Rust is broken on a number of platforms with unclear timeline when it gets fixed if ever. And unfortunately, Gnome folks require Rust for the current librsvg versions.

Lawrence37 commented 1 month ago

librsvg 2.52 or higher is required for hi-dpi, so there may not be a good solution.

barracuda156 commented 1 month ago

librsvg 2.52 or higher is required for hi-dpi, so there may not be a good solution.

@Lawrence37 You mean for the output for Retina displays? It is perfectly fine not to have it on systems without Rust (which are likely to be either non-mainstream or not too powerful).

Rather than losing the functionality, it is much preferable to have it reasonably limited. I.e., retain the codepath for earlier librsvg when newer one is not detected.

P. S. Some people may also have security concerns with Rust, since it can only be compiled with itself presently.

Lawrence37 commented 1 month ago

Hi-dpi required some significant changes, so it may not be feasible to make it optional. That's what I meant by "no good solution". @Pandagrapher knows more about it than me.

barracuda156 commented 1 month ago

@Lawrence37 Oh, that would kill RawTherapee for all systems without Rust. That would be really bad…