BeepIsla / fake-stattrak

Apply kills to your stattrak and strange weapons in CSGO and TF2 without doing anything
MIT License
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Possibility with Steamworks #18

Closed iebb closed 2 years ago

iebb commented 2 years ago

Was trying to rewrite this using Steamworks API, however I'm stucked at implementing this.client.gamesPlayed({steam_id_gs: serverID, game_id: this.appID});, which seems critical for this thing to work.

Are there any clues on it, or that's impossible via Steamworks, or it's a server-side thing?

BeepIsla commented 2 years ago

As far as I know Steamworks does almost everything automatically behind the scenes. On the client you just need ISteamUser::GetAuthSessionTicket and send it to the server, the server then just needs to call ISteamGameServer::BeginAuthSession and from that point on-wards Steam knows which server the client is on. The only thing that needs to be done now is using the GameCoordinator to send the modify-item protobufs