BeepIsla / fake-stattrak

Apply kills to your stattrak and strange weapons in CSGO and TF2 without doing anything
MIT License
31 stars 5 forks source link

Insanely slow now #30

Open 05v opened 1 year ago

05v commented 1 year ago

Hey, I was wondering why the repeat feature was removed, as it now takes ages to increment

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

It was removed because it seems to have confused a lot of people, the program now simply does 10K increments every 50 milliseconds

05v commented 1 year ago

Do you have a functioning feature which is faster? I am trying to hit the kill limit on my stattrack knife so that it dissapears!

05v commented 1 year ago

I know its possible to do because I did this in 2020

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

Yeah if your kills reach too high the counter will simply disappear for some reason.

For your problem I could add back the "repeat" option but leave it optional so people get less confused about it. I chose 10K every 50ms because from a little bit of testing I've done I couldn't go any higher or my weapon simply wouldn't get any extra kills tracked at all.

05v commented 1 year ago

Its because the bit intiger limit is hit, that's what im aiming for here with my knife - just looking for a quick fix because the same knife non stattrack is $500 more, this is simply better

is there a working version already? I tried a commit prior to the removal but it just gives me a shit ton of errors

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

If a previous commit doe snot work then no, I would have to add it back

05v commented 1 year ago

Okay, how long do u think that would be?

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

Not long, few hours at most unless I run into issues

05v commented 1 year ago

Okay forsure, drop me your ETH or BTC addy I'll send a tip for the time :)

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

Valve definitely seems to have changed something, 10 minutes for roughly 20K added to my stattrak weapon while I wanted 500K? I remember it being a lot better

05v commented 1 year ago

So there's no way to hit the limit anymore for it to dissapear?

05v commented 1 year ago

image It would take 2 years to hit it otherwise

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

Only if you have it automated and a looot of time, I believe the counter disappears at roughly 2 billion which would take 100 weeks.

I can still push this version with the "repeat" config added back and you can try a mix of repeat and editing the Server_730.js to modify the delay used. Maybe you can find a good mix of them

05v commented 1 year ago

Oof, nah thats not worth it at all haha, 2 years is a pain - no other way?

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

Nothing I could think of

05v commented 1 year ago

I cry, thank u for checking in, seems like Valve patched it then :(

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

Sadly yes, I believe they noticed how their backend got hardcore spammed since every single increment creates an entire item update. In TF2 for example my inventory wouldn't load for like 5 minutes after I ran the program, likely because their backend was getting overwhelmed. Very unfortunate

05v commented 1 year ago

Yeah I see, there's no way to fuck around with like applying a stat track swap tool and changing the value in that request?

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

The stattrak swap tool only takes two item IDs as input, the backend figures out the amount on its own

05v commented 1 year ago

Ah fuck, there's nothing else I can think of myself

05v commented 1 year ago

Unless there is a way to have multiple sessions play at the same time and farm

BeepIsla commented 1 year ago

In theory you can be authenticated to multiple gameservers at once but the backend ratelimit is likely just based on SteamID so that probably wouldn't help

05v commented 1 year ago

Well fuck