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🟢 Add a Maps page that pinpoints users to the location they identified in the JSON file. #24

Closed XanderRubio closed 9 months ago

XanderRubio commented 10 months ago

Create a Map page with a UI design map to display Contributors' locations; you can use the Python library called "Leafmap". Currently, info on where Contributors are based is located in the Contributors.json file and is structured in the following way. We might need to adjust how the JSON file is structured when reaching the phase of creating code to iterate over the JSON file and pulling users' locations, which are structured by a city name, country name, and flag emoji.

**🔨We can break this open issue into smaller issues as it might require several moving parts to execute

From the GitHub Repository fpdf2 that is a great example ⬇️

Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 23 19 26

When viewing the map by the open source project fpdf2, they have the ability to click on the user's GitHub link and specific contribution to the project⬇️

Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 23 19 42

Current steps to execute for this project or better yet reverse engineer how the map in GitHub Repository fpdf2 was constructed.

From research, the two options with documentation from others would be using Leaflet for React or integrating Google Maps React. This doesn't mean it has to be done this way. If you have another solution to creating a map to display users' locations, go for it!


GitHub Repository fpdf2 - That has in the README section at the bottom a Map function that shows where all the contributors are located

Example of the map by the open source project fpdf2 - This shows all the contributors involved in the project in addition to link to the GitHub profile and their specific(s) contribution to the project for a pull request.

YouTube video for using React and Leaflet - Additionally, this channel demonstrates several more videos on the topic to customize the layering and popups of the map.

Medium Article for using React and Leaflet

Digital Ocean article on using Google Maps and React

MarcianoN commented 10 months ago

Hello @XanderRubio , i'm a student this issue would be my first contribution on github, I'm interested in doing it but i still have some questions since i'm still a beginner. when you said "You can use the create-react-app command" do you mean creating a new project? or do i make the issue in a already made project? by adding a file in the /component folder for example?
and lastly how long do you think this issue would take? -Marciano

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

Hi Marciano! I appreciate your enthusiasm in tackling this issue. I really appreciate it. Before tackling I would recommend you have a look over the README and then head over to the CONTRIBUTION-GUIDELINES and then open up your first pull request to share what you want to do before you die. Look at the live link for examples.

Once you get your info added, we will merge your first pull request, and this is a great way to get an idea of how pull requests work. Then I can go ahead and assign you to this task, and I can assist with helping you with providing more clarification on this issue.

Additionally, you can make a file manually as this can be easier for figuring out the structure of the file directory visually in VSCode or if you're using a different code editor. The issue itself depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it. The main objective of your contribution is to learn and grow from your contribution, so if you find it takes longer than you may have expertise, but you are learning a new insight in working with React, then it is worth it. I hope that helps. Have a great day!


lucasfirmo62 commented 9 months ago

Hi @XanderRubio, I'm excited to do this task. I will start now! Can you put me as Assignees?

MarcianoN commented 9 months ago

@XanderRubio Awesome!, That sounds good! I will review the README and CONTRIBUTION-GUIDELINES and try to make my first pull request today!.

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

Hi @XanderRubio, I'm excited to do this task. I will start now! Can you put me as Assignees?

Hi @lucasfirmo62!

It's wonderful to see your enthusiasm for contributing to our project! I'll go ahead and assign you this task. Additionally, could you please update your text for your "Before I Die" statement, as mentioned in issue #75? We encourage you to share a meaningful statement that resonates with you, as other contributors will view your text, and we want it to serve as a positive example for others to share their meaningful goals.

Thank you, Lucas, and we look forward to seeing your contribution. If you have any questions or issues while integrating the contributors' map, please don't hesitate to reach out. Have a fantastic day!

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

@XanderRubio Awesome!, That sounds good! I will review the README and CONTRIBUTION-GUIDELINES and try to make my first pull request today!.

Thanks for making your first pull request @MarcianoN. I've assigned this issue to @lucasfirmo62. Please feel free to contribute to other open issues, create your own open issues, and also visit the ROADMAP for ideas on how we can continually grow this project with different tech stacks. Have a great day!

KulkarniShrinivas commented 9 months ago

Hi @XanderRubio If this issue is still pending please let me know I will start working on it as soon as possible as I am good at MERN and I want to contribute to open-source So, This will my first contribution please can assign me this issue? I also worked on ReactJS but want to explore open-source

Thank you

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

Hi @XanderRubio If this issue is still pending please let me know I will start working on it as soon as possible as I am good at MERN and I want to contribute to open-source So, This will my first contribution please can assign me this issue? I also worked on ReactJS but want to explore open-source

Thank you

Hi @KulkarniShrinivas,

Thank you for following up on your interest in working on this issue. As of now, I assigned the issue to @lucasfirmo62 two weeks ago without any further communication from him. If by the end of Saturday, September 30th, he has not responded, we will go ahead and reassign the issue to you so that you can start working on it.

In the meantime, feel free to open your first pull request by following the contribution guidelines outlined here. Share what you want to do before you die - I look forward to your contribution!

Have a great day,


sherikovic commented 9 months ago

I think it would be better to reuse the LocationMap component since it does exactly that. Nest it within a bigger component and move LocationMap itself to a separate function that returns the jsx. The bigger component would utilize a smaller function to do the geocoding and returns all the geo positions for all the users and then call LocationMap only once with { markers } argument.

lucasfirmo62 commented 9 months ago

Hi @XanderRubio, sorry for the delay, over the next week I will be finalizing this issue, I encountered some difficulties when developing, but I believe I will finish it next week.

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

Hi @XanderRubio, sorry for the delay, over the next week I will be finalizing this issue, I encountered some difficulties when developing, but I believe I will finish it next week.

Hi @lucasfirmo62. No worries on the delay😉 I hope your well and if you would like you can reference how @sherikovic built out the LocationMap component to display on the user card. This could help with any difficulties and additional following what @sherikovic is suggesting. You guys can even partner on the code if that helps also with working on it. Please let me know what you would like to do and @sherikovic is a friendly developer who is happy to assist in working together.

"I think it would be better to reuse the LocationMap component since it does exactly that. Nest it within a bigger component and move LocationMap itself to a separate function that returns the jsx. The bigger component would utilize a smaller function to do the geocoding and returns all the geo positions for all the users and then call LocationMap only once with { markers } argument."

samejima-san commented 9 months ago

seems like a few people are already working on this, i'd like to help where i can 🥺

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

seems like a few people are already working on this, i'd like to help where i can 🥺

Excellent @samejima-san! @lucasfirmo62 from pull request #166 has updated and created the map feature, which is an excellent foundation for this feature, and we can continually enhance it. I will make another issue to begin the subsequent enhancement of this feature shortly. Please stay tuned, and you are more than welcome to work. You can view this feature now on the live link for this feature here.

XanderRubio commented 9 months ago

@lucasfirmo62 has successfully built this MVP feature and we will be continually adding to it with new issues to enhance the issue and functionality. Thank you @lucasfirmo62 for pull request #166. The issue is closed.