Behatch / contexts

Behat extension with most custom helper steps
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Catch exception from callable #277

Closed juuuuuu closed 4 years ago

juuuuuu commented 5 years ago

As noticed in #260 there is an issue when trying to check if a JSON node is null or not. I'll rather prefer to thow an exception here in order to avoid a "silent" return in a try/catch block. The PropertyAccessor's getValue() method will throw an throwInvalidArgumentException exception in this case.

Description: Given I have the following JSON to test, for example (any valid JSON will do the trick):

  "fieldA": "toto",
  "fieldB": "tata"

And I want to check that "notExistingField" should not be null. The following step is a success: And the JSON node "notExistingField" should not be null. I was doing TDD, and I expected my test to fail.

Before I add/update tests, let me know what do you think about it. Thanks.