When build with a recent compiler (gcc 14.1/clang 17.0.1) the build failed due to the dependency expected-lite doesn't provide a make_unexpected when std::expected is included.
I've contacted the author and proposed a fix. He fixed the library and released v0.8.0.
I've taken the freedom to add the new expected-header to the source tree and also adapted a possible oversight (which also doesn't compile with a newer compiler. If the use of ´using ExpectedEntry = nonstd::expected_lite::expected<Entry, std::string>;´ is intended this needs to be fixed to be compatible within the expected-library, i guess.
Additionally I've added some changes to the CMakeLists file to disable building of the sample nodes if no test, nor examples are needed.
A general question: Currently the dependencies are hard-wired, any opinion towards using CPM or plain cmake FetchContent here?
When build with a recent compiler (gcc 14.1/clang 17.0.1) the build failed due to the dependency expected-lite doesn't provide a make_unexpected when std::expected is included. I've contacted the author and proposed a fix. He fixed the library and released v0.8.0.
I've taken the freedom to add the new expected-header to the source tree and also adapted a possible oversight (which also doesn't compile with a newer compiler. If the use of ´using ExpectedEntry = nonstd::expected_lite::expected<Entry, std::string>;´ is intended this needs to be fixed to be compatible within the expected-library, i guess.
Additionally I've added some changes to the CMakeLists file to disable building of the sample nodes if no test, nor examples are needed.
A general question: Currently the dependencies are hard-wired, any opinion towards using CPM or plain cmake FetchContent here?