Fixes the null ptr exception occuring inside onSaveInstanceState. The issue is that when the screen is off on startup onSaveInstanceState is called (idk why) before any children can be created. So the call here actually returns null. An easy fix is just to check if any children exist. If not we return null from onSaveInstanceSTate, meaning there's no interesting state to save.
:clap: Resolves
Closes #39
:star2: Description
Fixes the null ptr exception occuring inside onSaveInstanceState. The issue is that when the screen is off on startup onSaveInstanceState is called (idk why) before any children can be created. So the call here actually returns null. An easy fix is just to check if any children exist. If not we return null from onSaveInstanceSTate, meaning there's no interesting state to save.
Also updates gradle
:bug: Testing
Could not reproduce #39 using the steps provided.
All unit tests pass.
:thought_balloon: Other info