Open cryptobooser opened 2 years ago
Hello, Also interested, is there a possibilitides to compile from sources for rpi ?
On Debian 12 aarch64
apt install git
apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
check out the git repo as per instructions
replace set(WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAG "-Werror")
the build binaries will be in ./build/Linux/master/release/bin/
ls ./build/Linux/master/release/bin/ beldex-blockchain-ancestry beldex-blockchain-import beldex-blockchain-usage beldex-wallet-cli beldex-blockchain-depth beldex-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs beldex-gen-trusted-multisig beldex-wallet-rpc beldex-blockchain-export beldex-blockchain-stats beldex-mn-keys beldexd
and will it work on raspberry pi?
Compile masternode software for ARM devices like Raspberry Pi. Decentralisation will be boosted as a lot of people have such mini computers at home. Earnings are also increased as no VPS costs are due every month.