BelgianBiodiversityPlatform / BiodiversityBox

🖥️ A preconfigured appliance for biodiversity informatics work.
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Install python packages #9

Closed niconoe closed 5 years ago

niconoe commented 5 years ago

Pandas, PyGBIF, python-dwca-reader, ... others? Consult INBO team?

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

I would certainly include the typical-3 data science essential stack:

With respect to plotting, I would add a few other packages:

and focus on mapping options as well:

On the other hand, why not just provide miniconda in the box, so other packages can still be easily installed when necessury? miniconda is, in contradictrion to anaconda, lightweight.

niconoe commented 5 years ago

Miniconda is installed, and a base environment (with most packages already installed is created). Closing.