Belgingur / WrfUtils

Utilities for working with wrfout files.
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DropDigits: Create NETCDF4_CLASSIC files #18

Open logi opened 5 years ago

logi commented 5 years ago

Follows changes in #17

olafurrognvaldsson commented 5 years ago

Variables PH and PHB need to be i4 with 0.01 scale factor (PH can be in the range of +/- 30.000). Also, the units are [m^2 / s^2] as this is the perturbation (PH) and base-state geopotential (PHB). Furthermore, variable REGIME is an integer that can be 1, 2, 3, or 4. I'm not familiar with the following variables: CWM, F_ICE_PHY, F_RAIN_PHY, F_RIMEF_PHY, but I suspect they are part of the output when one chooses the CAM radiation schemes. I propose we leave them be (a natural way would be to exclude them from the output via iofields.txt). Comment from Hálfdán regarding the Q variables:

Var, scale, shift, dtype
('QCLOUD',   1000000,    0,  'uint16'),
('QVAPOR',   1000000,    0,  'uint16'),
('QRAIN',    1000000,    0,  'uint16'),
# ('QSNOW',    1000000,    0,  'uint16'),
# ('QICE',     1000000,    0,  'uint16'),
# ('QGRAUP',   1000000,    0,  'uint16'),
logi commented 5 years ago

We don't use i4 since it is just as large as the original f4 (aka float32) so I'll configure them for f4.

REGIME can be i1*1+0

The Q variables could be i2*0.000003?