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partially reading a list using list-directed I/O #47

Closed urbanjost closed 2 years ago

urbanjost commented 2 years ago

List-directed input (using an asterisk("*") as a format) is often described simply as free-format input but it is more. It allows for null values and reading a partial list , and the form" r*c" where “r” is a repeater.

Suppose you have a program that prompts you for nine values to translate, scale, and/or rotate an object.

program listdirected
implicit none 
real :: x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,  sx=1.0,sy=1.0,sz=1.0, rx=0.0,ry=0.0,rz=0.0
integer :: ios
character(len=256) :: msg, input
      print *, 'Enter transformation value(s) or "stop"'
      print *, 'translate .........',x,y,z
      print *, 'scale .............',sx,sy,sz
      print *, 'rotate (degrees)...',rx,ry,rz
      read(*,'(a)',iostat=ios,iomsg=msg) input
      read(input,*,iostat=ios,iomsg=msg) x,y,z,sx,sy,sz,rx,ry,rz
         print *,"<ERROR>",trim(msg)
      ! do something
   end do
end program listdirected

You do not have to enter all nine values. To just change all the scaling values to "2.0", you can enter:


Where the null values mean to skip changing that value, and the slash means the end of values, or equivalently


Where "3" skips three values, 32.0" sets the next three values to two, and the "/" means you are done supplying values.