BelkaLab / GaugeView

A simple Gauge View in Swift
MIT License
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Sync the text to the animation #2

Open minimok opened 8 years ago

minimok commented 8 years ago

Would be great to see the values in the label moving in step with the animation. I think that's the correct UX.

GnuRant commented 8 years ago

Hi minimok, can you explain what type of animation you mean ?

minimok commented 8 years ago

So, right now the text label is updated before the gauge has finished animating. This looks weird. I played with a simple delay on the update of the label so that it finishes at the end of the animation. It felt a 'bit' better. But ideally, the value in the label could 'follow' the animation. E.g if the start val is 80 and the next val is 90...the text would show [81, 81, 83, ...90] timed in sync with the gauge.

GnuRant commented 8 years ago

Ok, I got your point. I see what I can do, probably I will release that in the next release. Thanks!