Bell-Fintech / data-pan

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tt #23

Open Bell-Fintech opened 1 year ago

Bell-Fintech commented 1 year ago

import os from gemini import GeminiSession, GeminiApplication

CONSOLE_ADDRESS = 'dist://' session = GeminiSession(CONSOLE_ADDRESS, name="mpc_xgb") app = GeminiApplication(session)

workspace_base = {"Alice": "/opt/gemini", "Bob": "/opt/gemini"} parties = {"Alice": "ds01", "Bob": "ds02"}

dataConfig = { "inputs": { "Alice": "/dataurl/b61520346ed92f33a40dd14a005b8cd2.csv", # 包含 y 列(第0列) "Bob": "/dataurl/99f7f460127b94756991a6c5eff5bc5a.csv", } }

def get_path(ds): app_params = [ app.param("data_url", dataConfig["inputs"][ds]), app.param("workspace_base", workspace_base[ds]), ]

@app.task(task_type="plain", parties=[parties[ds]])
@app.runner(engine="python", params=app_params)
def get_file():
    import os
    import json
    import argparse
    import requests
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from gemini_utils import GeminiUtils

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--data_url", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--workspace_base", type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    def gen_info(setname, key, dtype, shape, workspace):
        info = {
            "setname": setname,
            "key": key,
            "type": dtype,
            "shape": f"{shape[0]},{shape[1]}",
            "description": "",
            "sample": ""
        with open(f"{workspace}/{key}.info", 'w') as f_obj:
            json.dump(info, f_obj)

    app_id = GeminiUtils().get_app_id()
    workspace = os.path.join(args.workspace_base, app_id)
    if not os.path.exists(workspace):
    data_csv = f"{workspace}/X_train.csv"
    if os.path.exists(data_csv):

    file_path = args.data_url
    os.system(f"ln -s {file_path} {data_csv}")
    data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
    gen_info(app_id, "X_train", "double", data.shape, workspace)

    sort_index = pd.DataFrame(np.argsort(data.values, axis=0, kind="stable"))
    sort_index.to_csv(f"{workspace}/X_index.csv", index=False)
    gen_info(app_id, "X_index", "int32", data.shape, workspace)

return get_file

cipher_inputs = { "x_train1": f"cipher://{parties['Alice']}/" + "{APP_ID}" + "/X_train.csv;type=double", "x_train2": f"cipher://{parties['Bob']}/" + "{APP_ID}" + "/X_train.csv;type=double", "x_index1": f"cipher://{parties['Alice']}/" + "{APP_ID}" + "/X_index.csv;type=int32", "x_index2": f"cipher://{parties['Bob']}/" + "{APP_ID}" + "/X_index.csv;type=int32", } cipher_outputs = [ f"cipher://{parties['Alice']}/" + "{APP_ID}" + "/y_pred.csv", f"cipher://{parties['Alice']}/" + "{APP_ID}" + "/score.csv" ]

@app.task(inputs=cipher_inputs, outputs=cipher_outputs, task_type="cipher") @app.runner(engine="privpy", params=[ app.param("ds", parties['Alice']), app.param("pred_res", cipher_outputs[0].split('/')[-1]), app.param("score_res", cipher_outputs[1].split('/')[-1]) ]) def cipher_xgb(): import privpy as pp from gemini_utils import GeminiUtils

args = pp.FLAGS()
args.DEFINE_string("ds", "", "")
args.DEFINE_string("pred_res", "", "")
args.DEFINE_string("score_res", "", "")
def main():
    import pnumpy as pnp
    from pai.preprocessing import StandardScaler
    from pai.ensemble import XGBClassifier

    def score(y_true, y_score):
        import putil
        import numpy as np

        if isinstance(y_true, pp.FixedArr):
            y_true = pnp.round(y_true)

        y_pred = pnp.round(y_score)
        n = len(y_true)
        tp =, y_pred)
        tp_and_fp = pnp.sum(y_pred)
        tp_and_fn = pnp.sum(y_true)
        n_positive = tp_and_fn
        n_negative = n - n_positive
        reciprocal_arr = pnp.reciprocal(
                [n_positive, n_negative, tp_and_fp,
                 tp_and_fp + tp_and_fn]))

        acc = (, y_pred) +
      - y_true, 1 - y_pred)) / n
        precision = tp * reciprocal_arr[2]
        recall = tp * reciprocal_arr[0]
        f1 = 2 * tp * reciprocal_arr[3]

        idx = putil.odd_even_merge_argsort(y_score)[::-1]
        y_score = pp.oblivious_shuffle(y_score, idx)
        y_true = pp.oblivious_shuffle(y_true, idx)

        distinct_value_indices = pnp.nonzero(pnp.diff(y_score))[0]
        threshold_idxs = np.append(distinct_value_indices, n - 1)
        tps = pnp.cumsum(y_true)[threshold_idxs]
        fps = 1 + threshold_idxs - tps
        tpr = tps * reciprocal_arr[0]
        fpr = fps * reciprocal_arr[1]
        ks = pnp.max(pnp.absolute(tpr - fpr))

        fpr_x = pnp.diff(fpr)
        tpr_y = 0.5 * (tpr[:-1] + tpr[1:])
        auc_score =, tpr_y)

        return pp.farr([acc, precision, recall, f1, auc_score, ks])

    x_train1 ="x_train1")
    x_train2 ="x_train2")
    x_index1 ="x_index1")
    x_index2 ="x_index2")

    train = pnp.hstack([x_train1, x_train2])
    x_train, y_train = train[:, 1:], train[:, 0:1]
    y_train = pnp.hstack([1-y_train, y_train])  # xgb要求 y 是one-hot格式
    del x_train1, x_train2, train

    # # xgb fit的时候要求有x_train的索引,这一步比较耗时,如可以,在明文做,然后ss进来
    # train_index = []
    # for i in range(x_train.shape[1]):
    #     train_index.append(pnp.argsort(x_train[:, i:i+1], axis=0))
    # train_index = pnp.hstack(train_index)

    train_index = pnp.hstack([x_index1[:, 1:], x_index2])

    # 设置模型参数
    n_estimators = 3   # 树的数目
    max_depth = 3      # 树的最大深度
    objective = "log"  # 损失函数(log/mse)

    # 模型训练
    XGB_model = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators,

    # 模型训练, y_train, train_index)

    # 模型预测
    y_pred = XGB_model.predict_proba(x_train)  # 预测概率值(两列)

    # 模型评估
    score_res = score(y_train[:, 1], y_pred[:, 1])

    # 结果输出
    pp.reveal(y_pred, f"cipher://{args.ds}/{args.app_id}/{args.pred_res}")
    pp.reveal(score_res, f"cipher://{args.ds}/{args.app_id}/{args.score_res}")

@app.job() def job(): steps = [ app.mrstep(mappers=[get_path("Alice"), get_path("Bob")], reducers=[cipher_xgb]) ]

return steps

if name == 'main': app_id, status = if status == 1: raise Exception( f"The task execution of gemini app {app_id} fails! Please check the " "failure infomation in tm console or the gemini pod log.")

outputs = {"app_id": [app_id], "result_path": []}
    os.path.join(workspace_base["Alice"], app_id, "y_pred.csv"))
    os.path.join(workspace_base["Alice"], app_id, "score.csv"))