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Connection fails when connecting from Linphone #102

Closed Emil-Suleymanli closed 3 years ago

Emil-Suleymanli commented 3 years ago


I am trying to get Flexisip server running with minimal configuration, but it has problems connecting from Linphone application.

Flexisip is running on Ubuntu 18.04 VM on VIrtualBox VM on Windows 10 host machine. The VM has 2 network adapters: NAT and Host-only.

Flexisip is installed following the procedures from its wiki page for Ubuntu.

After successful installation, minimal configuration is done following the wiki page as well:

flexisip.conf: `[global] aliases=localhost default-servers=proxy presence transports=sip:*

[stun-server] #also tried without stun-server module enabled=true bind-address= port=3478

[module::Registrar] enabled=true #also tried and localhost db-implementation=internal

[module::Authentication] enabled=true #also tried and localhost db-implementation=file datasource=/etc/flexisip/users.db.txt`

/etc/flexisip/users.db.txt file : `version:1 clrtxt:123456 ; #updated the domains each time per flexisip.conf file i.e. clrtxt:123456 ;`

systemctl status flexisip-proxy `● flexisip-proxy.service - Flexisip proxy server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/flexisip-proxy.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-08-09 19:26:31 EDT; 5h 7min ago Docs: Process: 8650 ExecStart=/opt/belledonne-communications/bin/flexisip --server proxy --daemon --syslog --pidfile /var/run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 8652 (flexisip) Tasks: 6 (limit: 4666) CGroup: /system.slice/flexisip-proxy.service ├─8652 /opt/belledonne-communications/bin/flexisip --server proxy --daemon --syslog --pidfile /var/run/ └─8653 /opt/belledonne-communications/bin/flexisip --server proxy --daemon --syslog --pidfile /var/run/

Aug 09 19:26:31 linux systemd[1]: Stopped Flexisip proxy server. Aug 09 19:26:31 linux systemd[1]: Starting Flexisip proxy server... Aug 09 19:26:31 linux flexisip[8650]: 2020-08-09 19:26:31:365 bctbx-error-[LAUNCHER] Watchdog PID: 8652 Aug 09 19:26:31 linux flexisip[8653]: Writing logs in : /var/opt/belledonne-communications/log/flexisip/flexisip-proxy.log Aug 09 19:26:31 linux flexisip[8653]: DoSProtection: '/sbin/iptables -w -F FLEXISIP 2>&1' failed with output 'iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. '. Aug 09 19:26:31 linux flexisip[8653]: DoSProtection: '/sbin/ip6tables -w -F FLEXISIP 2>&1' failed with output 'ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name. '. Aug 09 19:26:31 linux flexisip[8653]: Cannot open domain registration configuration file '/etc/flexisip/domain-registrations.conf' Aug 09 19:26:31 linux systemd[1]: Started Flexisip proxy server.`

When I try to connect from Linphone application on Android phone that is on the same network with the below parameters:

I am getting "Connection failed" error.

Can anyone let me why it is failing to connect? Thank you!

Emil-Suleymanli commented 3 years ago

It worked when I set it up on Digital Ocean VM.

sachinbanugariya commented 2 months ago

It worked when I set it up on Digital Ocean VM.

i am getting same error not able to connect from linphone, what was issue ?