Closed a-march closed 3 years ago
Hello, This version of the app does not have background mode enabled. it relies upon push notifications to restart upon an incoming call. did you make your tests using the store app ? is it connected to the internet ?
Good day! yes, I took the application here Internet is there Linphone is working.
Hi, Background mode activation is planned for the next release. This version should wake up the app through notification though. Can you please send a log of the app (from settings menu) after starting it so we can check it registers properly to push notifications ? Thank you
Good day! and thanks for the log file.
I see your app registers properly to Linhome server with a push enabled account automatically created.
Contact: sip:i0nl27tcqaf-@;pn-type=firebase;app-id=1041242817246;pn-tok=fZY4-4paTKmNmE3Yc_SIye:APA91bGl3dPS30HJWstnuRV4pKVxSsDyE_6hGU4cYrzwFcvmG4orjZ6pjoYRpTyMqFCzGkfkPo32ozI2L1qMdQHl99XcKuDOUH8Xh5rzhbc-pcdDKNCL3d3V4gDIqlB7EQX0AqWNPxTs;pn-timeout=0;pn-silent=1;transport=tls;+sip.instance="
I see your app registers properly to your Asterisk using as a contact the push gateway account REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 [..] Contact:;gr=urn:uuid:2766b3a9-3ee6-00ff-a401-155c355af257
But I don't see traces of a push notification incoming. Can you please double check on the asterisk that the invite get sent to the following address :
and provide us with a Call-Id so we can track it up on Linhome server ?
thanks in advance
Good day! sip linhome: 10005@ sip VTO: 10002@ I beg your pardon, I do not understand very well.
When your VTO call Linhome app it should send SIP invite to (this is automatic as when Linhome registered to it used as a contact address). so my question is can you look into the logs of for the call from VTO to Linhome to see that is sending the INVITE to, and if yes provide me with a call-ID for such a call (10002->10005) ?
In which file can I pass the token to Asterisk?
@cdeschambc linhome-android send two contacts to server. Asterisk usually dial only one of them because of legacy dialplan. This issue i solved with Dial(${PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS(${EXTEN})})
but breaks it
linhome-android should only send one contact to your server and that is the
Good day! Thank you for your work! After the update on April 19, the application rings normally with an incoming call. However, the application stopped working after restarting the device (autorun is enabled), and after clearing the gadget's memory (all background permissions in android are also set).