BelledonneCommunications / linphone-desktop

Linphone is a free VoIP and video softphone based on the SIP protocol. Mirror of git://
GNU General Public License v3.0
391 stars 200 forks source link

[Bug]: When user path contains utf8 chars, linphone not starting #767

Open Robaj85 opened 1 year ago

Robaj85 commented 1 year ago


linphone 5.x (the last 5.0.17 too)

4.4 works

General information

Expected behaviour

The linphone starts :)

To Reproduce

character coding problem ok, the file found as I see the log: C:\Users\Rˇbert\AppData\Local\linphone\

but sometimes the coding wrong, this is not ok: C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphonerc

user dir: "C:\Users\Róbert"

Maybe the microphone will not work too: [08:48:42:514][Warning]Core:linphone: Device [Hangsz├│r├│k (Realtek High Definition Audio)--{}.{9b81c019-b6e8-4c58-b258-a5c01a75c9cc}] type is unknown

Hangszórók means the audio device name, maybe the Hangszˇrˇk is the good.

linphone 5 LOG:

c:\Program Files\Linphone\bin>linphone --verbose

c:\Program Files\Linphone\bin>[08:48:42:052][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Starting Linphone (bin: linphone)" [08:48:42:052][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Use locale: hu_HU with language: Hungarian" [08:48:42:099][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Available fonts : ("Arial", "Arial Black", "Arial Narrow", "Bahnschrift", "Bahnschrift Condensed", "Bahnschrift Light", "Bahnschrift Light Condensed", "Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed", "Bahnschrift SemiBold", "Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed", "Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiConden", "Bahnschrift SemiCondensed", "Bahnschrift SemiLight", "Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed", "Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiConde", "Book Antiqua", "Bookman Old Style", "Bookshelf Symbol 7", "Calibri", "Calibri Light", "Cambria", "Cambria Math", "Candara", "Candara Light", "Century", "Century Gothic", "Comic Sans MS", "Consolas", "Constantia", "Corbel", "Corbel Light", "Courier", "Courier New", "Dubai", "Dubai Light", "Dubai Medium", "Ebrima", "Fixedsys", "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Gabriola", "Gadugi", "Garamond", "Georgia", "HoloLens MDL2 Assets", "HP Simplified", "HP Simplified Light", "Impact", "Ink Free", "Javanese Text", "Leelawadee", "Leelawadee UI", "Leelawadee UI Semilight", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Malgun Gothic", "Malgun Gothic Semilight", "Marlett", "Microsoft Himalaya", "Microsoft JhengHei", "Microsoft JhengHei Light", "Microsoft JhengHei UI", "Microsoft JhengHei UI Light", "Microsoft New Tai Lue", "Microsoft PhagsPa", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Microsoft Uighur", "Microsoft YaHei", "Microsoft YaHei Light", "Microsoft YaHei UI", "Microsoft YaHei UI Light", "Microsoft Yi Baiti", "MingLiU-ExtB", "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB", "Modern", "Mongolian Baiti", "MS Gothic", "MS Outlook", "MS PGothic", "MS Reference Sans Serif", "MS Reference Specialty", "MS Sans Serif", "MS Serif", "MS Shell Dlg 2", "MS UI Gothic", "MT Extra", "MV Boli", "Myanmar Text", "Nirmala UI", "Nirmala UI Semilight", "Noto Sans", "Noto Sans UI", "NSimSun", "Palatino Linotype", "PMingLiU-ExtB", "Roman", "Script", "Segoe MDL2 Assets", "Segoe Print", "Segoe Script", "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Black", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Historic", "Segoe UI Light", "Segoe UI Semibold", "Segoe UI Semilight", "Segoe UI Symbol", "SimSun", "SimSun-ExtB", "Sitka Banner", "Sitka Display", "Sitka Heading", "Sitka Small", "Sitka Subheading", "Sitka Text", "Small Fonts", "Source Sans Pro", "Sylfaen", "Symbol", "System", "Tahoma", "Terminal", "Times New Roman", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana", "Webdings", "Wingdings", "Wingdings 2", "Wingdings 3", "Yu Gothic", "Yu Gothic Light", "Yu Gothic Medium", "Yu Gothic UI", "Yu Gothic UI Light", "Yu Gothic UI Semibold", "Yu Gothic UI Semilight") [08:48:42:099][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Running app..." [08:48:42:099][Info]Core:linphone: Using (r/w) config information from C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphonerc [08:48:42:099][Info]Core:linphone: Reading config information from c:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone\linphonerc-factory [08:48:42:152][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Activated selectors:" ("custom", "hu_HU", "windows", "winnt") [08:48:42:152][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Registering types..." [08:48:42:154][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Registering shared types..." [08:48:42:155][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Registering tool types..." [08:48:42:156][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Registering shared tool types..." [08:48:42:299][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Loading main view..." [08:48:42:419][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Launch async core creation." [08:48:42:419][Info]Core:linphone: Using (r/w) config information from C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphonerc [08:48:42:419][Info]Core:linphone: Reading config information from c:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone\linphonerc-factory [08:48:42:439][Info]Core:linphone: Initializing LinphoneCore 5.2.66-2-g24e7882ce [08:48:42:439][Info]Core:linphone: Sal nat helper [enabled] [08:48:42:443][Info]Core:linphone: Mediastreamer2 factory 5.2.0 (git: 5.2.64) initialized. [08:48:42:443][Info]Core:linphone: CPU count set to 10 [08:48:42:443][Info]Core:linphone: ms_factory_init() done: platform_tags=win32,x86,desktop [08:48:42:443][Info]Core:linphone: srtp init [08:48:42:447][Info]Core:linphone: Registering all soundcard handlers [08:48:42:447][Info]Core:linphone: Registering all webcam handlers [08:48:42:450][Error]Core:linphone: Fail to create class enumerator. [08:48:42:453][Info]Core:linphone: Webcam StaticImage: Static picture added [08:48:42:453][Info]Core:linphone: ms_factory_init_voip() done [08:48:42:453][Info]Core:linphone: Loading ms plugins from [c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer] [08:48:42:453][Info]Core:linphone: Fail to load plugin c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmsopenh264.dll with altered search path: error 126 [08:48:42:457][Error]Core:linphone: Fail to load plugin c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmsopenh264.dll: error 126 [08:48:42:457][Info]Core:linphone: libmsqogl debug plugin loaded [08:48:42:457][Info]Core:linphone: Plugin loaded (c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmsqogl.dll) [08:48:42:465][Info]Core:linphone: Card 'WASAPI Unknown: Mikrofon (4 - USB PnP Sound Device)--{}.{f8957488-de0b-4e30-b8d4-19024d883c8f}' added [08:48:42:467][Info]Core:linphone: Card 'WASAPI Unknown: Hangsz├│r├│k (4 - USB PnP Sound Device)--{}.{4d4cea29-3107-4d07-b219-5085e8402beb}' added [08:48:42:467][Info]Core:linphone: Card 'WASAPI Unknown: Hangsz├│r├│k (Realtek High Definition Audio)--{}.{9b81c019-b6e8-4c58-b258-a5c01a75c9cc}' added [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: libmswasapi plugin loaded [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: Plugin loaded (c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmswasapi.dll) [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: libmswebrtc 1.1.1 plugin loaded, iLBC codec version 1.1.1 [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: Plugin loaded (c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmswebrtc.dll) [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: Core callbacks [000002551E1C0600] registered on core [000002551CC2E030] [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: Codec opus/48000 fmtp=[useinbandfec=1] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: Codec SILK/16000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:469][Info]Core:linphone: Codec speex/16000 fmtp=[vbr=on] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:473][Info]Core:linphone: Codec speex/8000 fmtp=[vbr=on] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:473][Info]Core:linphone: Codec PCMU/8000 fmtp=[] number=0, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:473][Info]Core:linphone: Codec PCMA/8000 fmtp=[] number=8, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:473][Info]Core:linphone: Codec red/1000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:473][Info]Core:linphone: Codec t140/1000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:473][Info]Core:linphone: Codec GSM/8000 fmtp=[] number=3, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:477][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G722/8000 fmtp=[] number=9, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:481][Info]Core:linphone: Codec iLBC/8000 fmtp=[mode=30] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:481][Info]Core:linphone: Codec AMR/8000 fmtp=[octet-align=1] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:481][Info]Core:linphone: Codec AMR-WB/16000 fmtp=[octet-align=1] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:481][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G729/8000 fmtp=[annexb=yes] number=18, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:483][Info]Core:linphone: Codec mpeg4-generic/16000 fmtp=[config=F8EE2000; constantDuration=512; indexDeltaLength=3; indexLength=3; mode=AAC-hbr; profile-level-id=76; sizeLength=13; streamType=5] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:483][Info]Core:linphone: Codec mpeg4-generic/22050 fmtp=[config=F8EE2000; constantDuration=512; indexDeltaLength=3; indexLength=3; mode=AAC-hbr; profile-level-id=76; sizeLength=13; streamType=5] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:483][Info]Core:linphone: Codec mpeg4-generic/32000 fmtp=[config=F8E82000; constantDuration=512; indexDeltaLength=3; indexLength=3; mode=AAC-hbr; profile-level-id=76; sizeLength=13; streamType=5] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:483][Info]Core:linphone: Codec mpeg4-generic/44100 fmtp=[config=F8E82000; constantDuration=512; indexDeltaLength=3; indexLength=3; mode=AAC-hbr; profile-level-id=76; sizeLength=13; streamType=5] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:483][Info]Core:linphone: Codec mpeg4-generic/48000 fmtp=[config=F8EE2000; constantDuration=512; indexDeltaLength=3; indexLength=3; mode=AAC-hbr; profile-level-id=76; sizeLength=13; streamType=5] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:485][Info]Core:linphone: Codec iSAC/16000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:486][Info]Core:linphone: Codec speex/32000 fmtp=[vbr=on] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:486][Info]Core:linphone: Codec SILK/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:486][Info]Core:linphone: Codec SILK/12000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:486][Info]Core:linphone: Codec SILK/24000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G726-16/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G726-24/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G726-32/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G726-40/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec AAL2-G726-16/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec AAL2-G726-24/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec AAL2-G726-32/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec AAL2-G726-40/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:487][Info]Core:linphone: Codec CODEC2/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec BV16/8000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec VP8/90000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec H264/90000 fmtp=[profile-level-id=42801F] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec H265/90000 fmtp=[] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec MP4V-ES/90000 fmtp=[profile-level-id=3] number=-1, default enablement: 1) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec H263-1998/90000 fmtp=[CIF=1;QCIF=1] number=-1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:491][Info]Core:linphone: Codec H263/90000 fmtp=[] number=34, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:495][Info]Core:linphone: Codec 1016/8000 fmtp=[] number=1, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:500][Info]Core:linphone: Codec G723/8000 fmtp=[] number=4, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:500][Info]Core:linphone: Codec LPC/8000 fmtp=[] number=7, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:502][Info]Core:linphone: Codec L16/44100 fmtp=[] number=10, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:502][Info]Core:linphone: Codec L16/44100 fmtp=[] number=11, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:502][Info]Core:linphone: Codec CN/8000 fmtp=[] number=13, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:502][Info]Core:linphone: Codec H261/90000 fmtp=[] number=31, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:502][Info]Core:linphone: Codec MPV/90000 fmtp=[] number=32, default enablement: 0) added to the list of possible codecs. [08:48:42:506][Info]Core:linphone: Loading ms plugins from [c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer] [08:48:42:506][Info]Core:linphone: Fail to load plugin c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmsopenh264.dll with altered search path: error 126 [08:48:42:506][Error]Core:linphone: Fail to load plugin c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmsopenh264.dll: error 126 [08:48:42:506][Info]Core:linphone: libmsqogl debug plugin loaded [08:48:42:506][Info]Core:linphone: Plugin loaded (c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmsqogl.dll) [08:48:42:510][Info]Core:linphone: libmswasapi plugin loaded [08:48:42:514][Info]Core:linphone: Plugin loaded (c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmswasapi.dll) [08:48:42:514][Info]Core:linphone: libmswebrtc 1.1.1 plugin loaded, iLBC codec version 1.1.1 [08:48:42:514][Info]Core:linphone: Plugin loaded (c:\Program Files\Linphone\plugins\mediastreamer\libmswebrtc.dll) [08:48:42:514][Warning]Core:linphone: Device [Mikrofon (4 - USB PnP Sound Device)--{}.{f8957488-de0b-4e30-b8d4-19024d883c8f}] type is unknown [08:48:42:514][Warning]Core:linphone: Device [Hangsz├│r├│k (4 - USB PnP Sound Device)--{}.{4d4cea29-3107-4d07-b219-5085e8402beb}] type is unknown [08:48:42:514][Warning]Core:linphone: Device [Hangsz├│r├│k (Realtek High Definition Audio)--{}.{9b81c019-b6e8-4c58-b258-a5c01a75c9cc}] type is unknown [08:48:42:516][Info]Core:linphone: linphone_core_set_playback_gain_db(): no active call. [08:48:42:516][Info]Core:linphone: linphone_core_enable_mic(): new state is [enabled], current state is [disabled] [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: linphone_core_set_mic_gain_db(): no active call. [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Sal nat helper [enabled] [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Sal use rports [enabled] [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: MTU is supposed to be 1300, rtp payload max size will be 1240 [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec opus/48000 fmtp=useinbandfec=1 automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for SILK [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec speex/16000 fmtp=vbr=on automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec speex/8000 fmtp=vbr=on automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:518][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec PCMU/8000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:522][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec PCMA/8000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:522][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec GSM/8000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:522][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec G722/8000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:522][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec iLBC/8000 fmtp=mode=30 automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:522][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for AMR [08:48:42:522][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for AMR-WB [08:48:42:526][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec G729/8000 fmtp=annexb=yes automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for mpeg4-generic [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for mpeg4-generic [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for mpeg4-generic [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for mpeg4-generic [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for mpeg4-generic [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for iSAC [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec speex/32000 fmtp=vbr=on automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:530][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for SILK [08:48:42:534][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for SILK [08:48:42:534][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for SILK [08:48:42:534][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for G726-16 [08:48:42:534][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for G726-24 [08:48:42:534][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for G726-32 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for G726-40 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for AAL2-G726-16 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for AAL2-G726-24 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for AAL2-G726-32 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for AAL2-G726-40 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for CODEC2 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec BV16/8000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for 1016 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for G723 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for LPC [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec L16/44100 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec L16/44100 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for CN [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec VP8/90000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for H264 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for H265 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for MP4V-ES [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for H263-1998 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for H263 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for H261 [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Could not find encoder for MPV [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec red/1000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Supported codec t140/1000 fmtp= automatically added to codec list. [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Sal use rports [enabled] [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: belle_sip_stack_set_well_know_port() : set to [5060] [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: belle_sip_stack_set_well_know_port_tls() : set to [5061] [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Root ca path set to c:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone/rootca.pem [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: Invalidating friends maps for list [000002551E0B2610] [08:48:42:536][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Set Friends path: C:\\Users\\Rˇbert\\AppData\\Local\\linphone\\friends.db" [08:48:42:536][Error]Core:linphone: bctbx_file_open: Error opening 'C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\friends.db': No such file or directory [08:48:42:536][Error]Core:linphone: Error in the opening: unable to open database file. [08:48:42:552][Warning]Core:linphone: linphone_core_set_call_logs_database_path() needs to be called once linphone_core_start() has been called [08:48:42:554][Info]Core:linphone: [LIME] instanciate a LimeX3dhEncryption engine 0000025515261D00 - default server is [] and curve c25519 DB path: C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\x3dh.c25519.sqlite3 [08:48:42:554][Error]Core:linphone: bctbx_file_open: Error opening 'C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\x3dh.c25519.sqlite3': No such file or directory [08:48:42:554][Info]Core:linphone: [LIME] exception at Encryption engine instanciation C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\hexP7jis\0\BC\public\linphone-desktop\linphone-sdk\lime\src\lime_localStorage.cpp:224 Db instanciation on file db="C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\x3dh.c25519.sqlite3" vfs=sqlite3bctbx_vfs check failed: Cannot establish connection to the database. unable to open database file [08:48:42:554][Info]Core:linphone: Core callbacks [000002551E222FA0] registered on core [000002551CC2E030] [08:48:42:563][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Core is starting "Starting up" [08:48:42:563][Info]Core:linphone: [ToneManager] create ToneManager() [08:48:42:563][Info]Core:linphone: Using ["C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphone.db"] as default database path [08:48:42:563][Info]Core:linphone: Opening linphone database "C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphone.db" with backend Sqlite3 [08:48:42:563][Error]Core:linphone: bctbx_file_open: Error opening 'C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphone.db': No such file or directory [08:48:42:563][Warning]Core:linphone: Unable to build db session with uri: Cannot establish connection to the database. unable to open database file [08:48:42:563][Error]Core:linphone: Unable to open linphone database with uri "C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphone.db" and backend Sqlite3 [08:48:42:567][Error]Core:linphone: bctbx_file_open: Error opening 'C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\zidcache': No such file or directory [08:48:42:569][Error]Core:linphone: Error in the opening zrtp_cache_db_file(C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\zidcache): unable to open database file.

[08:48:42:571][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Using ZrtpSecrets path : "C:\Users\Rˇbert\AppData\Local\linphone\zidcache" [08:48:42:571][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Using UserCertificate path : "C:\Users\Rˇbert\AppData\Local\linphone\" [08:48:42:572][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Using RootCa path : "c:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone/rootca.pem" [08:48:42:572][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Start iterate" [08:48:43:613][Error]Core:linphone: bctbx_file_open: Error opening 'C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphonerc.tmp': No such file or directory [08:48:43:613][Warning]Core:linphone: Could not write C:\Users\R├│bert\AppData\Local\linphone\linphonerc ! Maybe it is read-only. Configuration will not be saved.

linphone 4 LOG: [08:54:28:155][Info]Core:linphone: Root ca path set to C:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone/rootca.pem [08:54:28:155][0000018D5BB37470][Info]Core is running "On" [08:54:28:155][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Core is running "On" [08:54:28:155][Info]Core:linphone: Linphone core [0000018D608E7EB0] notified [global_state_changed] [08:54:28:155][0000018D5BB37470][Info]"Set Friends path: C:\\Users\\Rˇbert\\AppData\\Local\\linphone\\friends.db" [08:54:28:155][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Set Friends path: C:\\Users\\Rˇbert\\AppData\\Local\\linphone\\friends.db" [08:54:28:155][Info]Core:linphone: linphone_core_fetch_friends_lists_from_db(): 0 results fetched, completed in 0 ms [08:54:28:155][0000018D5BB37470][Info]"Set CallLogs path: C:\\Users\\Rˇbert\\AppData\\Local\\linphone\\call-history.db" [08:54:28:168][Info]Core:linphone: QT: "Set CallLogs path: C:\\Users\\Rˇbert\\AppData\\Local\\linphone\\call-history.db" [08:54:28:168][Error]Core:linphone: bctbx_file_open: Error open Permission denied [08:54:28:168][Error]Core:linphone: Error in the opening call_history_db_file(C:\Users\Rˇbert\AppData\Local\linphone\call-history.db): unable to open database file.

[08:54:28:168][Warning]Core:linphone: nothing to migrate, skipping... [08:54:28:168][0000018D5BB37470][Info]Using ZrtpSecrets path : "C:\Users\R?bert\AppData\Local\linphone\zrtp-secrets.db" [08:54:28:168][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Using ZrtpSecrets path : "C:\Users\R?bert\AppData\Local\linphone\zrtp-secrets.db" [08:54:28:168][0000018D5BB37470][Info]Using UserCertificate path : "C:\Users\R?bert\AppData\Local\linphone\" [08:54:28:168][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Using UserCertificate path : "C:\Users\R?bert\AppData\Local\linphone\" [08:54:28:168][0000018D5BB37470][Info]Using RootCa path : "C:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone/rootca.pem" [08:54:28:168][Info]Core:linphone: QT: Using RootCa path : "C:\Program Files\Linphone\share\linphone/rootca.pem"

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