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ReInvite not sent on 401 / 407 #366

Open burhanecosmob opened 6 months ago

burhanecosmob commented 6 months ago


I'm facing the issue in LinphoneSDK 5.2+. While sending an Invite packages Server throws 401 / 407 giving auth challenge to fulfill by sending re-invite. I'm triggering Update method, but it doesn't work.

Following is the Logcat :

SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required I Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK.7-rjOKYDO;rport=42381 I To: sip:9612312312@;tag=a120-0063a18f465bdb89e0e8be781aea95ee I From: "test2" sip:3003@;tag=d1KyHsrFu I Call-ID: nwhBzKc2wy I CSeq: 20 INVITE I Proxy-Authenticate: DIGEST realm="SQUIRES", nonce="5e40459c000033a5", qop="auth", algorithm=MD5 I Server: OpenSIPS (3.4.1 (x86_64/linux)) I Content-Length: 0 I
I channel [0x72e58da1ae00] [460] bytes parsed I Found transaction matching response. I Changing [client] [INVITE] transaction [0x72e37e3cbbd0], from state [PROCEEDING] to [COMPLETED] I channel [0x72e58da1ae00]: message sent to [UDP://], size: [676] bytes I ACK sip:9612312312@ SIP/2.0 I Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.7-rjOKYDO;rport I Call-ID: nwhBzKc2wy I From: "test2" sip:3003@;tag=d1KyHsrFu I To: sip:9612312312@;tag=a120-0063a18f465bdb89e0e8be781aea95ee I Contact: sip:3003@;pn-prid=eWuUWBcySjKFeideIb-SO3:APA91bFOsJuwzXQfQTKsZOeKsLDiC4nkNPIlCSgaxj1pHU3XkhxDBL36dLL8yaWW-U7wemAVKGPqeX7zho_FrDLGgjj97Sr7LAvJ6VrPTujH7BuB9hqzfObOgk_DN6M59KFlCmPZKdKy;pn-provider=fcm;pn-param=222781549330;pn-silent=1;pn-timeout=0;transport=udp;expires=3600;received="sip:" I Route: <sip:;transport=udp;lr> I Max-Forwards: 70 I CSeq: 20 ACK I
I AuthRequested pushed I No auth info found for call id [nwhBzKc2wy] I No auth info found for [sip:3003@] I Op 0x72e3de435a50 added as pending authentication I channel [0x72e58da1ae00]: ending recv background task with id=[5586]. I bellesip_wake_lock_release(): Android wake lock released [ref=0x5586] E onAuthenticationRequested: null 9612312312 None authInfo.username : 3003 AuthMethod : HttpDigest authInfo.algorithm : MD5 E linphone_core_add_auth_info(): info supplied with empty password, ha1 or TLS client/key I No auth info found for call id [ls5ho7WvBL] I bellesip_wake_lock_acquire(): Android wake lock [belle-sip transaction(0x72e37e3c06b0)] acquired [ref=0x55a6] I bellesip_wake_lock_acquire(): cast long of wakelock 21926 I transaction [0x72e37e3c06b0]: starting transaction background task with id=[55a6]. I Transaction [0x72e37e3b0810] deleted