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Linphone hangs up call on server after 30 seconds #402

Open razethion opened 1 month ago

razethion commented 1 month ago

Good afternoon!

I am having an issue with linphone connected to lines. When a call comes in through our IVR to call queue, after about 30 seconds from accepting the call, it drops. This can be reproduced every single time. We would expect it to not drop for no reason like this, and i'm not sure if it's doing this or linphone.


Viish commented 1 month ago


Call is being terminated because no ACK is being received for the SIP transaction:

2024-06-01 19:11:35:415 [org.linphone/belle-sip] ERROR Dialog [0x7abc4f8bf0] was not ACK'd within T1*64 seconds.
2024-06-01 19:11:35:415 [org.linphone/belle-sip] ERROR Dialog [0x7abc4f8bf0] it is going to be terminated automatically.

But ACK is being received, but because the TO-tag isn't in the message, it is ignored:

2024-06-01 19:11:34:970 [org.linphone/belle-sip] MESSAGE channel [0x7c5ab1ae10]: received [647] new bytes from [TCP://]:
ACK sip:;transport=tcp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK2594c868;rport
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "MAV N 8327689413" <sip:8327689413@>;tag=as3525d834
To: <sip:398659_729@;pn-prid=enbEN_lISHuxrF1b6XdH8Q:APA91bHKF0Qg7aMeSJrcpOqqFeZkfgcILM5GEY8CDcNtG2fM7A1p-tR079XfFwmli_-tdpDc5yifbl9ccdLEx0lcmi3efx0mTOR3k6jwjRk6vCdKSibogyMBBrBwnF9ivRzA346TS6Dz;pn-provider=fcm;pn-param=251776523448;pn-silent
Contact: <sip:8327689413@;transport=TCP>
Call-ID: 577d05c4166c465b15a8856709b0c533@
CSeq: 102 ACK
Content-Length: 0

2024-06-01 19:11:34:999 [org.linphone/belle-sip] MESSAGE channel [0x7c5ab1ae10] [647] bytes parsed
2024-06-01 19:11:34:999 [org.linphone/liblinphone] WARNING Receiving ACK without to-tag but no know dialog here, ignoring

@smorlat Do you know what has to be done here?


razethion commented 3 weeks ago

Just wanted to follow up on this again, this is making the app completely unusable.