BelledonneCommunications / mswebrtc

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Hello, may I ask how to use the noise reduction module of webrtc #1

Open wmailn opened 1 year ago

wmailn commented 1 year ago

Hello: My linphone-sdk version is 5.2.0 and I found that I could use the AEC and VAD modules of webrtc directly, but not the noise reduction module. I try to write and connect the Filter of noise reduction module in accordance with the AEC module, I see in the log that the WebRtcNsx_Process method has been executed, but there is no effect. May I ask if there is something wrong with my code? Can you help me to enable the noise reduction module? I'll post my code below.

wmailn commented 1 year ago

include "noise_suppression_x.h"

include "mediastreamer2/msfilter.h"

include "mediastreamer2/msticker.h"


static const int framesize = 80;

// static const int _sample_rates[NUMBER_SAMPLE_RATES] = {8000, 16000, 32000, 48000};

typedef struct MSWebRtcNs { NsxHandle *nsxInst = nullptr; int sample_rate = 8000; int framesize; MSBufferizer echo;

// int enable = 1; // Disable if the sample rate doesn't match webrtc requirement
// int silence_detection_enabled = 0; // silence detection enabled information
// uint64_t silence_duration = 0; // silence threshold duration in ms
// uint64_t last_voice_detection = 0; // last time voice was detected
// int silence_event_send = 0;

} MSWebRtcNs;

static int ns_set_sample_rate(MSFilter f, void arg) { MSWebRtcNs ns = static_cast<MSWebRtcNs >(f->data); ns->sample_rate = (int )arg; ms_message("--wumeng--ns--[M:%s]: sample_rate:%d", FUNCTION, ns->sample_rate);

return 0;


static void ns_init(MSFilter f) { ms_message("--wumeng--ns--[M:%s]: ", FUNCTION); MSWebRtcNs ns = new MSWebRtcNs(); ns->nsxInst = WebRtcNsx_Create(); if (WebRtcNsx_Init(ns->nsxInst, ns->sample_rate) == -1){ ns->nsxInst = nullptr; ms_error("--wumeng--ns--[M:%s]: WebRtcNsx_Init fail !!!", FUNCTION); } // 降噪级别 0 ~ 3 if (WebRtcNsx_set_policy(ns->nsxInst, 3) == -1){ ms_warning("--wumeng--ns--[M:%s]: WebRtcNsx_set_policy fail !!!", FUNCTION); } ns->framesize = framesize; ms_bufferizer_init(&ns->echo); f->data = ns; }

static void ns_process(MSFilter f) { MSWebRtcNs ns = static_cast<MSWebRtcNs *>(f->data);

int nbytes = ns->framesize * sizeof(short);
short **outFrame = new short *[2];
short **echo = new short *[2];

echo[0] = (short *)ms_malloc0(nbytes);
outFrame[0] = (short *)ms_malloc0(nbytes);

mblk_t *in = ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0]);

ms_bufferizer_put_from_queue(&ns->echo, f->inputs[0]);

while (ms_bufferizer_read(&ns->echo, (uint8_t *)echo[0], (size_t)nbytes) >= (size_t)nbytes){

    WebRtcNsx_Process(ns->nsxInst, echo, 1, outFrame);

    mblk_t *refm = allocb(nbytes, 0);
    memset(refm->b_wptr, 0, nbytes);
    memcpy(refm->b_rptr, outFrame[0], nbytes);
    refm->b_wptr += nbytes;
    ms_queue_put(f->outputs[0], refm);

delete outFrame;
delete echo;


static void ns_uninit(MSFilter f) { ms_message("--wumeng--ns--[M:%s]: ", FUNCTION); MSWebRtcNs ns = static_cast<MSWebRtcNs *>(f->data); if (ns->nsxInst){ WebRtcNsx_Free(ns->nsxInst); } ns->nsxInst = nullptr; ms_bufferizer_flush(&ns->echo); delete ns; f->data = nullptr; }

static MSFilterMethod ns_methods[]={ { MS_FILTER_SET_SAMPLE_RATE, ns_set_sample_rate}, { 0, nullptr } };

extern "C" MSFilterDesc ms_webrtc_ns_desc = { MS_FILTER_PLUGIN_ID, "MSWebRtcNSDec", "WebRtc's NS", MS_FILTER_OTHER, "NS", 1, // Inputs 1, // Outputs ns_init, nullptr, ns_process, nullptr, ns_uninit, ns_methods, MS_FILTER_IS_PUMP };

wmailn commented 1 year ago

Due to network restrictions, I cannot upload the code in the form of attachment. I can only send it in the comment as text. I'm very sorry.