Closed ferengi82 closed 3 years ago
easier as i thought: (not optimal, but it works for me)
GENDER = "female" #only performers with this gender will be used
in a new line after DRY_RUN at the beginning of the filecursor.execute("SELECT name from performers WHERE id=? AND gender=?;", [perf_id,GENDER.upper()])
easier as i thought: (not optimal, but it works for me)
1. ADD `GENDER = "female" #only performers with this gender will be used` in a new line after DRY_RUN at the beginning of the file 2. modify line 54: `cursor.execute("SELECT name from performers WHERE id=? AND gender=?;", [perf_id,GENDER.upper()])`
Yea should work, i did something different in my PR. I don't tested it but it should work. If you use my method, thanks to say if it worked for you 😄
that was fast! seems to worke fine, thanks!
hi, realy nice tool. can you add a switch to use only female performers for renaming? I like to have the males in Stash, but not in the Filename / Title