BellowingButcher / total-time-tracker-backend

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As a team leader I want to run reports on the schedules that are uploaded so that I can view the organized data by team member #7

Open BellowingButcher opened 1 year ago

BellowingButcher commented 1 year ago

Points: 8

What I meant was: As a user I want to see a report for all of the schedules based on team members. I should be able to choose the report type I want to run and click the run report button to display graphs based on the information received. The graph should have the name of the specific team member, what jobs they have worked on and how much time has they have worked on that specific job. It should display a graph for every team member.

Testing criteria: The webpage should have a calendar input for the start point of time that you are wanting to filter by, if the chosen date isn't exactly a starting date of any of the schedules the user will be prompted with a question of, 'Did you mean to choose (insert the starting date of the week the user selected). A second calendar input for the ending time that you are wanting to filter by, (same as for the start time but insert the ending date of the week the user selected). If you enter a date you WILL NOT receive all of the information you wish for this test. It will send you back a filtered down result. A reports type drop down, choices are either job title or team member. If you choose job title for this test you will receive the wrong information. But if you choose team member and click the run report button it should display a graph for every team member that contains what jobs they have done and how long they have worked on those jobs.

Definition of Done: When a user can run and view a report of what team members there are, what jobs they have worked, and how long they have spent working those jobs.