Belphemur / SoundSwitch

C# application to switch default playing device. Download:
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Validate localization #1498

Closed Belphemur closed 1 month ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Qodana for .NET

It seems all right 👌

No new problems were found according to the checks applied

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Detected 119 dependencies # Third-party software list This page lists the third-party software dependencies used in SoundSwitch | Dependency | Version | Licenses | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [JetBrains.Annotations]( | 2023.3.0 | [MIT]( | | [Job.Scheduler]( | 3.1.8 | [MIT]( | | [Markdig]( | 0.37.0 | [BSD-2-Clause]( | | [Microsoft.CSharp]( | 4.7.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Extensions.Options]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms]( | 3.1.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.NETCore.Targets]( | 1.1.3 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [Microsoft.Win32.Primitives]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]( | 4.7.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT]( | 2.0.7 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio.Asio]( | 2.2.1 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio.Core]( | 2.2.1 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio.Midi]( | 2.2.1 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio.Wasapi]( | 22.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio.WinForms]( | 2.2.1 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio.WinMM]( | 2.2.1 | [MIT]( | | [NAudio]( | 2.2.1 | [MIT]( | | [Newtonsoft.Json]( | 13.0.3 | [MIT]( | | [NuGet.Versioning]( | 6.10.0 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [Polly.Contrib.WaitAndRetry]( | 1.1.1 | [BSD-3-Clause]( | | [Polly.Core]( | 8.4.0 | [BSD-3-Clause]( | | [RailSharp]( | 1.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [Sentry.Serilog]( | 4.6.2 | [MIT]( | | [Sentry]( | 4.6.2 | [MIT]( | | [Serilog.Enrichers.Environment]( | 2.3.0 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [Serilog.Formatting.Compact]( | 2.0.0 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [Serilog.Sinks.Console]( | 5.0.1 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [Serilog.Sinks.File]( | 5.0.0 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [Serilog]( | 3.1.1 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [SerilogTraceListener]( | 3.2.0 | [Apache-2.0]( | | [System.Buffers]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Collections.Concurrent]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Collections]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Diagnostics.Debug]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Diagnostics.TraceSource]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Diagnostics.Tracing]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Drawing.Common]( | 8.0.5 | [MIT]( | | [System.Globalization.Calendars]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Globalization.Extensions]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Globalization]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.IO.FileSystem]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.IO]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Linq]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Net.Http]( | 4.3.4 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Net.Primitives]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Private.Uri]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Reactive.Linq]( | 6.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Reactive]( | 6.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Reflection.Primitives]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Reflection.TypeExtensions]( | 4.7.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Reflection]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Resources.Extensions]( | 8.0.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Resources.ResourceManager]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Runtime.Extensions]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Runtime.Handles]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Runtime.InteropServices]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Runtime.Numerics]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Runtime]( | 4.3.1 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.AccessControl]( | 4.7.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Cng]( | 4.5.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Csp]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs]( | 4.5.1 | [MIT]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Security.Cryptography.Xml]( | 4.5.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Security.Permissions]( | 4.5.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Security.Principal.Windows]( | 4.7.0 | [MIT]( | | [System.Text.Encoding.Extensions]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Text.Encoding]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Text.RegularExpressions]( | 4.3.1 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Threading.Overlapped]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions]( | 4.5.4 | [MIT]( | | [System.Threading.Tasks]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [System.Threading]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Collections]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Diagnostics.Tracing]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Globalization.Calendars]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Globalization]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.IO]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Reflection.Primitives]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Reflection]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Resources.ResourceManager]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Runtime.Handles]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Runtime.InteropServices]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Runtime]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Text.Encoding.Extensions]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Text.Encoding]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.any.System.Threading.Tasks]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.native.System.Net.Http]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.native.System]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple]( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | [runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl]( | 4.3.2 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | []( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | []( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | []( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | []( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( | | []( | 4.3.0 | [MS-NET-LIBRARY-2019-06]( |
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