Belval / TextRecognitionDataGenerator

A synthetic data generator for text recognition
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TypeError: Image data of dtype object cannot be converted to float For Handwritten Generation #312

Open cramraj8 opened 12 months ago

cramraj8 commented 12 months ago

I am getting None for returned image when I use handwritten generation option. And when I visualize the image using plt function, I get following error.

    697 self._A = cbook.safe_masked_invalid(A, copy=True)
    699 if (self._A.dtype != np.uint8 and
    700         not np.can_cast(self._A.dtype, float, "same_kind")):
--> 701     raise TypeError("Image data of dtype {} cannot be converted to "
    702                     "float".format(self._A.dtype))
    704 if self._A.ndim == 3 and self._A.shape[-1] == 1:
    705     # If just one dimension assume scalar and apply colormap
    706     self._A = self._A[:, :, 0]

TypeError: Image data of dtype object cannot be converted to float

Anyone faced similar issue ? I am facing the issue with both versions version-1: python=3.7 tensorflow=1.13.1 version-2: python=3.8 tensorflow=2.13.0