Belval / pdf2image

A python module that wraps the pdftoppm utility to convert PDF to PIL Image object
MIT License
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OSS-Fuzz Integration #284

Open ennamarie19 opened 3 weeks ago

ennamarie19 commented 3 weeks ago

My name is McKenna Dallmeyer and I would like to submit pdf2image to OSS-Fuzz.

If you are not familiar with the project, OSS-Fuzz is Google's platform for continuous fuzzing of Open Source Software.

In order to get the most out of this program, it would be greatly beneficial to be able to merge-in my fuzz harness and build scripts into the upstream repository and contribute bug fixes if they come up. Is this something that you would support me putting the effort into?

Thank you!

Belval commented 3 weeks ago

Hi and thank you for your interest in making pdf2image more secure. I'd be happy to merge contributions seeking to make the package more robust, that being said, due to recent events I will be refusing any binaries and any code that I cannot fully understand/audit myself.

Can you share an example of fuzz harness and build scripts?

ennamarie19 commented 3 weeks ago

Totally understand! Sure thing!

Here is a fuzz harness that I wrote hosted in the upstream repository -

Here is the link to what is hosted on OSS-Fuzz for this project -

Please let me know how you wish to proceed! Thank you again!

ennamarie19 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Belval were you able to access what I shared? Thoughts?