using KRPC
import KRPC.Interface.KRPC as KK
import KRPC.Interface.KRPC.RemoteTypes as KR
import KRPC.Interface.KRPC.Helpers as KH
# first, launch a vessel and then get connection.
conn = ... (KRPC.KRPCConnection)
# create a KRPC struct required by CurrentGameScene
mykrpc = KR.KRPC(conn)
KH.CurrentGameScene(mykrpc) == KK.EGameScene_Flight
The last expression evaluates false.
Just like the last issue, the code for EGameScene lies in generated.jl, so the fix should be in code generation.
I am not sure if this doubling is coming from KSP/KRPC, or from KRPC.jl. A quickest fix would be to change the const enum values, so that generated.jl gets
I think this can be done by changing codegen.jl by changing in line 286
enum in service.enumerations
enumName = Symbol("E" *
push!(enumerations_ast, :(struct $enumName <: kRPCTypes.Enum value::Int32 end))
for val in enum.values
push!(enumerations_ast, :(const $(Symbol("E" * * "_" * = $enumName($(val.value*2))))
---> scroll ^^
push!(enumeration_names, enumName)
Do you think this is a reasonable way to do it? If so, I can later make a PR when I start working with enums, test with some other parts that use enums and see if they work not just for the game situation but for everything else, too. (parachute states come to mind)
Just being aware of this phenomenon and put that into account during enum comparisons; for example, I can define a function
import Base: ==
function ==(a::KRPC.kRPCTypes.Enum, b::KRPC.kRPCTypes.Enum)
return a.value == b.value*2
and then the comparions will work and be a bit more future-proof, as long as I stick to the convention that left is rpc, right is code.
Enums seem to have a doubling issue.
The last expression evaluates false.
Just like the last issue, the code for EGameScene lies in generated.jl, so the fix should be in code generation.
Now, actual value I get is this:
So there is some number doubling going on.
I am not sure if this doubling is coming from KSP/KRPC, or from KRPC.jl. A quickest fix would be to change the const enum values, so that generated.jl gets
I think this can be done by changing
by changing in line 286Do you think this is a reasonable way to do it? If so, I can later make a PR when I start working with enums, test with some other parts that use enums and see if they work not just for the game situation but for everything else, too. (parachute states come to mind)
Just being aware of this phenomenon and put that into account during enum comparisons; for example, I can define a function
and then the comparions will work and be a bit more future-proof, as long as I stick to the convention that left is rpc, right is code.