BenCodez / VotifierPlus

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Not sure if im doing something wrong #21

Closed atomisgray closed 2 years ago

atomisgray commented 2 years ago

this is my config and im trying to allow votes from the minecraft server lists site (MCSL) i think i may have data in the wrong spot?

DebugLevel: NONE host: port: 40993 Forwarding: server1: Enabled: true Host: 'MCSL' Port: '40993' Key: ' the rsa public key'

BenCodez commented 2 years ago

you can't forward to yourself and that is not valid forwarding at all

atomisgray commented 2 years ago

I've never used a votifier plugin before so im not sure of the valid forwarding methods. do you have a discord or a wiki that shows examples? who do i forward to?

BenCodez commented 2 years ago

you forward to another server if you need it, probably not unless your using bungee

atomisgray commented 2 years ago

so i would change it from enabled to disabled? and only use the port for the sites that i have my server listed on?

BenCodez commented 2 years ago

Yes. You should lookup votifier plugin tutorials, they all work the same pretty much.

atomisgray commented 2 years ago

im using your votingplugin along with votifierplus and i believe i can figure that one out with all the wikis and tutorials, i was just very confused that my console wasnt picking up any votes through votifier. it picks up votes through the votingplugin but says nothing about votifier.

i only say all that because in a wiki for votingplugin you state that if i dont get this message in my console then votingplugin wont work

[19:01:21] [Votifier I/O/INFO]: [VotifierPlus] Debug: Received vote record -> Vote (from:SERVICESITEHERE username:BenCodez address:Address timeStamp:TestVote) [19:01:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'SERVICESITEHERE' by player 'BenCodez'!

well i only get the second half of that message so i'm confused haha

BenCodez commented 2 years ago

the first message is with debug enabled on votifierplus

atomisgray commented 2 years ago

ok so do i have to enable debug in order for votingplugin to work? and if so how do i do that? would i replace NONE with enabled?

sorry for so many questions

BenCodez commented 2 years ago

you don't need to enabled debug. you set enabled to false

atomisgray commented 2 years ago

ok thank you so much!