BenCodez / VotifierPlus

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Vote Forwarding Issue #41

Closed benjatw closed 11 months ago

benjatw commented 11 months ago


I've got an issue with the Vote Forwarding, it seems like it registers the vote from the website onto the bungee, and then tries to send it to the other servers, but it forgets to input the port of the servers which is defined as port: '52094' inside the bungeeconfig.yml aswell on the other server as the same inside config.yml in votifierplus

There is no errors on the other two servers in the latest.log from VotifierPlus

Might it be a define issue in the java that forgets to define the port or simply doesn't get the port from the bungeeconfig.yml It seems to define whatever you put into the Host: '' as I tried with the IP of the server aswell instead of

18:25:48 [INFO] [VotifierPlus] Failed to send vote to oneblock( Vote ( username:Anzisar address: timeStamp:1689783927), ignore this if server is offline 18:25:48 [INFO] [VotifierPlus] Failed to send vote to vanillaplus( Vote ( username:Anzisar address: timeStamp:1689783927), ignore this if server is offline

Thanks in advance!

benjatw commented 11 months ago

Figured it out.