BenCodez / VotifierPlus

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How to stop recording IP address? #57

Open jellyfish0space opened 3 weeks ago

jellyfish0space commented 3 weeks ago

Hi! I'm currently a mod on a server that has votifierplus! we also have a discord that records the commands on the Minecraft server into a console. a while back we realized that when anyone tries to vote on the server it automatically records their IP address, there's obvious privacy concerns for that so i was wondering if there's anyway to turn that off on our side?

BenCodez commented 3 weeks ago

What's the exact log message?

jellyfish0space commented 3 weeks ago

[Sat 22:27:04 INFO VotifierPlus] Debug: Received vote record -> Vote (from:MCSL username:user address:IP HERE timeStamp:1717885624)

I removed the user and ip address but that's the exact log message,

BenCodez commented 3 weeks ago

Is debug enabled?

jellyfish0space commented 3 weeks ago

To be honest I'm not sure I'm checking in with a admin so I'll get back to you on that, but if it was could that be what's causing the ip address leak?

BenCodez commented 3 weeks ago

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