BenCodez / VotingPlugin

Plugin on SpigotMC
83 stars 68 forks source link

[Suggestions] Some suggestions that i need with your plugin #1115

Closed tiradorus closed 3 years ago

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. 1: Add a way to add COMMANDS instead of TEXT into the config.yml when clicking on "All voting site" into the /vote gui

3: Add a way to add "Useless" items into the GUI. For example, yellow glass that don't have any effect.

4: Add a way to add "Commands" items into the GUIs.

Additional context Example of the /vote gui that you can configure with all of thoses features. As you can see, it's easier and more intuitive

Example of the All voting site can do with COMMAND instead of TEXT

BenCodez commented 3 years ago
  1. You can use this:
  2. GUI's auto resize to fit with what items go in.
  3. Already possible, just follow the format of the other items and change the name of the path to the item. You can also add Slot: (slot number) to set the slot (GUI will auto fit accordingly)
  4. Not sure about this one. Got specific examples? I think commands already work though, just with no conditions and such
tiradorus commented 3 years ago
  1. You can use this:

'kay i see, i've used a lot of JSON format, not this one, i'll try it after

  1. GUI's auto resize to fit with what items go in.

Yeah that's ... what i'm talking about xD If you look closely on this image : There is a lot of blank space, And i don't wanna fill em with ... useless items as White_stained_glass ... just for filling it. If we can chose the exact place where to place Gui Items, it should be better. Maybe with an option like: Resize: true/false

  1. Already possible, just follow the format of the other items and change the name of the path to the item. You can also add Slot: (slot number) to set the slot (GUI will auto fit accordingly)

Hmmm not that explicit when you take a look into the config:

  Today: CHEST #BOOK not available (future update?)
  TopVoter: CHEST #BOOK not available (future update?)
  Last: CHEST #BOOK not available (future update?)
  Next: CHEST 
  Total: CHEST #BOOK not available (future update?)
  Best: CHEST #BOOK not available (future update?)
  Streak: CHEST #BOOK not available (future update?)
  GUI: CHEST #CHAT/BOOK not availabe for this (future update?)

With the config above (Basical configs) everything is used into the other GUIs, and nothing is 'Useless', so i tought we only can use thoses one.

4.Not sure about this one. Got specific examples? I think commands already work though, just with no conditions and such

Hmmm, simply some items into the gui, that trigger a console OR player command. Just as the reward system, something like that:

      - 'say hello'

But, into gui system, into Gui.yml. Like this exemple bellow:

    Name: '&cExemple'
    BackButton: true
    SiteName: '&c%Name%'
    SeeURL: '&cClick to see URL'
    NextVote: '&cCan Vote In: %Info%'
    ViewAllUrlsButtonEnabled: true
#    Size: 54    <=== Feature?
      RequireAllSitesVoted: true
        Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
        Data: 0 
        Amount: 1
#        Slot: 14 ==== Feature?
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
        Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
      Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      Data: 0 
      Amount: 1
#   Custom:                                         <======== That item have a command system
#     Material: 'Gold_block'                        <======== 
#     Data: 0                                       <======== 
#     Amount: 1                                     <======== 
#     Slot: 37                                      <======== 
#     Commands:                                     <======== 
#     - 'mycmd-runas player %player% /exemple'      <======== 
      Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
    URLText: '%VoteUrl%''
BenCodez commented 3 years ago
  1. The vote gui will be smart enough if you manually set the slot to auto resize to what is needed. No need to put blank AIR items.
  2. Was referring the vote gui, you just add another item within that section
  3. VoteGUI can run commands. It's just Command: 'command here' within the item section. You can also make /vote go to /vote gui, I think that specific option is in config.yml, was just recently added. The way you set the slot is the correct way to use that. Just won't work where you have it.
tiradorus commented 3 years ago
  1. The vote gui will be smart enough if you manually set the slot to auto resize to what is needed. No need to put blank AIR items.

I ... wil try... as i've already past at last 2 days of config before posting this here but i will try, i understand a bit more the behavior of your GUI system. It's non-intuitive but with many more experimental things i maybe can do something with it.

  1. Was referring the vote gui, you just add another item within that section

'Kay, that's what i've understood when you've posted your second-message. Without explanations and/or exemples into the config, i tought that was impossible (And because slots+size+ other of my tries were false, it didn't worked)

  1. VoteGUI can run commands. It's just Command: 'command here' within the item section. You can also make /vote go to /vote gui, I think that specific option is in config.yml, was just recently added.

That's the point that i don't understand why is it like that? You can search everywhere into your plugin, it's never explained like that, and, it's never written like that. Elsewhere into the plugin, it always follow this rule:

   - 'say hello'

So how the hell can i know to use another format that is not explained, not used, and not into exemples? xD Even into the whole wiki, i don't have found the way that you've told me. I can't just try every way to use commands ... So i use the principal one, in does not works, i try some little config arount, not working too ... i won't try every things to use commands, it seems that's not working, i'll ask for the feature here that i need. Logic.

  1. The way you set the slot is the correct way to use that. Just won't work where you have it.

Won't work into this GUI file? or won't work at this configuration-line? I think you're talking about Gui-file but i'm not sure ... lot of plugins have a different behavior. I'll prefer to ask

BenCodez commented 3 years ago
  1. Send what you tried?
  2. No one every really tried to do that, hence why no examples, will add later, maybe modify it to make it easier
  3. Won't work into the specific place you put it as the example you sent. Some items the slot setting won't be used, or atleast won't work as intended
tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Back to back, had other things to do sorry for being that late. SO!

1: I've tryed it like that: ["",{"text":"==> ","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""}},{"text":"Site 1","color":"gold","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""}},{"text":" <==","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""}}]

2: I've tryed many things, and nothing worked. Nothing happened. Here are some of my tries:

    # GUI Name
    Name: '&9&lVotes serveur'
    BackButton: true
    SiteName: '&c%Name%'
    SeeURL: '&cClick to see URL'
    NextVote: '&cCan Vote In: %Info%'
    ViewAllUrlsButtonEnabled: true
    Cstm1:                                                                    #<====== Not shown into the /vote
      Slot: 0
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
      Name: '&8'
    Cstm2:                                                                    #<====== Not shown into the /vote
      Slot: 1
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
      Name: '&8'
      RequireAllSitesVoted: true
        Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
        Data: 0 
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
        Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
      Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      Data: 0 
      Amount: 1
      Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
    URLText: '%VoteUrl%'


    # GUI Name
    Name: '&9&lVotes serveur'
    BackButton: true
    SiteName: '&c%Name%'
    SeeURL: '&cClick to see URL'
    NextVote: '&cCan Vote In: %Info%'
    ViewAllUrlsButtonEnabled: true
      RequireAllSitesVoted: true
        Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
        Data: 0 
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
        Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
      Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      Data: 0 
      Amount: 1
      Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
    URLText: '%VoteUrl%'
    Custom:                                                             #<====== Not shown into the /vote
      Slot: 0
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
      Name: '&8'
      - '&cClick Me'
    Size: 54                                                               #<====== The gui is still Size 9

And many others ... I just can't change this gui as i want to. Every change that i've made were useless, it looksLike this gui can't being changed. And it's the only GUI that i need ...

I want to put everything into the same command (/vote). It's easy to do with a plugin like 'CustomGui', and i can do it like that. However, if i do it with another GUI system, i don't have the block changing (Redstone/emerald) If the player can or cannot vote onto the site. And that's the only reason why i try to use your GUI... The only one. So, is that just possible? If yes, How? Send me just an example how to add an item into this GUI and i'll do everything after that. I can't try every way to find the good one, moreover it's maybe impossible so ... I have a lot of works and i just can't spend so many time onto this GUI.

Cuz, an exemple code of my other GUIs with another plugin:

Size: 54
Name: '&9&lHelp xxx'
    Slot: 0
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    - 4
    - 5
    - 6
    - 7
    - 8
    - 9
    - 17
    - 18
    - 26
    - 27
    - 35
    - 36
    - 44
    - 45
    - 46
    - 47
    - 48
    - 49
    - 50
    - 51
    - 52
    - 53
      Name: '&8'
    Slot: 10
      Item: OAK_SIGN;1;0
      Name: '&a&lxxx'
        - '&xxx'
        - '&xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - ''
        - '&f==&6> &exxx'
      HideAttributes: true
        - '[ConsoleCommand] xxx'
        - '[Sound] xxx'
      CloseOnClick: true
    Slot: 20
      Item: DIAMOND_PICKAXE;1;0
      Name: 'xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - 'xxx'
        - ''
        - 'xxx'
      HideAttributes: true
        - '[ConsoleCommand] /xxx'
        - '[Sound] xxx'
      CloseOnClick: true
    Slot: 21
      Item: SKELETON_SKULL;1;0
      Name: 'xxx'
        - '&fxxx'
        - '&fxxx'
        - ''
        - '&f==&6> &exxx'
      HideAttributes: true
        - '[OpenGUI] xxx'
        - '[Sound] xxx'
      CloseOnClick: false
    ItemSlot: 22
      Item: IRON_INGOT;1;0
      Name: '&a&lxxx'
        - '&fxxx'
        - '&fxxx'
        - '&fxxx'
        - ''
        - '&f==&6> &exxx'
        - '[command] xxx'
        - '[Sound] xxx'

As you can see above, it's ... Easier, to configure. And more flexible. So, i'll ask again, do you think it's possible to have a similar result as This one: Gui

If yes, send me a sample of an adding item into the Gui of the /vote (The "/VOTE" only, not the "/vote gui") and i will try to copy it to make a good Gui system with your plug

If it's not, tell me too, i will stop to try using the Gui of your plug and use another plugin to do it. With PlaceHolders, CustomGui and MyCommands i can have a good system too. (Just, without the Redstone/emeraldBlock in case of a player vote)

Have a nice day.

BenCodez commented 3 years ago
  1. Something like this (not exactly sure what you want) might do it:

    ==> [Text="&6Site 1",url=""]
    <== [Text="&6Site 2",url=""]
  2. The default VoteURL is not possible to configure like you want, you can make /vote open /vote gui, which is able to have what you want, but won't be as easy as what you sent, and that won't have the changeable blocks.

The only option would be for me to implement something for that to be possible. But that would be a little complicated with that specific GUI setup. I will put that on the todo list. (Got a few ideas for it). Would take me a while to do it, so if you need something working within the next few days I would make your own GUI for now. I will try to look at it within the next day or two.

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Added FillSlots (similar to what you send, just a list of numbers under FillSlots (untested as of this post, same with the rest below)

Added StartSlot for votesite buttons & slot for allurls button

Added ability to set ExtraItems, example shown in link above.

Let me know if that works for you. I will test this stuff later today/tomorrow. It's possible it could be broken. You can try if you want right away though.

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

2021-02-21_15 30 53

What i've done with this new update. I'll continue to work on it, but it lookslike it works for now!

That much better for the moment! =)

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Awesome, glad it works. Especially since I haven't tested it yet :)

If you could send what you have after you finish configuring it that would be nice, might add that as an example on the wiki for someone else.

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Well, what i've done for now:

2021-02-21_20 51 06


    # GUI Name
    Name: '&5&lVotes'
    BackButton: false
    SiteName: '&c%Name%'
    SeeURL: '&cClick to see URL'
    NextVote: '&cCan Vote In: %Info%'
    #Start slot for specific site buttons
    StartSlot: 21
    ViewAllUrlsButtonEnabled: false
      #Set slot for AllUrlsButton
      Slot: 20
      RequireAllSitesVoted: true
        Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
        Data: 0 
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
        Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
      Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      Data: 0 
      Amount: 1
      Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
    URLText: '%VoteUrl%'
    # Add Extra items
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 0
        Name: '&8'
        - 0
        - 1
        - 2
        - 3
        - 4
        - 5
        - 6
        - 7
        - 8
        - 9
        - 17
        - 18
        - 26
        - 27
        - 35
        - 36
        - 44
        - 45
        - 46
        - 47
        - 48
        - 49
        - 50
        - 51
        - 52
        - 53
        # Can run commands or effects
        # Rewards: []
        Material: 'SEA_LANTERN'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 20
        Name: '&e&lTout les sites de vote.'
        - '&fVous donne les liens de tout'
        - '&fles sites de vote.'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour ouvrir.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /sites'
        Material: 'CONDUIT'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 31
        Name: '&d&lVos statistiques votes'
        - "&aVotes du mois&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly%"
        - "&aPoints de vote&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_Points%"
        - '&0.'
        - "&2Votes totaux&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_Total_AllTime%"
        - "&2Classement du mois&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_top_month_position%"
        - "&2Votes du mois dernier: &6&l%VotingPlugin_LastMonthTotal%"
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 37
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l10 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l5000$'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp1'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 38
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l25 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l20 &2&lEmeraudes'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp2'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 39
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l50 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l3 &2&lEmeraudes &a&lAntique'
        - '&f- &6&l20 &2&lEmeraudes'
        - '&f- &6&l10000$'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp3'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 40
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l100 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l1 &b&l*&9&lDiamant parfait&b&l*'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp4'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 41
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l150 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&l2 &f&lFraments de&e&l:"
        - '&f- &b&lDiamant&f runique'
        - '&f- &9&lSaphir&f runique'
        - '&f- &c&lRubis&f runique'
        - '&f- &e&lOr&f runique'
        - '&f- &a&lEmeraude&f runique'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp5'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 42
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l250 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&lGrade &2&lVIP &7(30 Jours)"
        - '&0.'
        - "&7&oSi déjà &2&oVIP&7&o ou plus:"
        - "&f- &610 &fMinerais épurés de chaque."
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp6'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 43
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l500 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&lGrade &e&lVIP+ &7(30 Jours)"
        - '&0.'
        - "&7&oSi déjà &e&oVIP+"
        - '&f- &6&l3 &b&l*&9&lDiamant parfait&b&l*'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour récupérer.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /recomp7'

However, a little problem. Votes site are not shown :/ It lookslike the " StartSlot: 21" isn't effective. I've tried with 3 different site, and different configs

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

That's an issue I fixed like an hour ago, was about to post an update on spigot with all the changes

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

I see, that was not from my side okay ^^

However, i thought something was possible, but it was on another Voting Plugin. ==> Claiming offline rewards <== With a command or another way ^^'

Could be a great feature if it's not the actual case! =)

Exemple: "Player A" is voting from the website when offline. When he connect, he have a 'Waiting rewards: <%placeholder_unclaimed_offline_rewards%> And he just have to enter a command to claim his offline vote that he have done. So he don't lost them, and all the vote he have done, even if he was offline, are rewarded.

I said that c'ause many of my PPL are voting offline and claim everything while they are connected =)

Ps: I'll try the update you've made now. After the update : 2021-02-21_21 12 30 =)

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Rewards are given to offline players when they log in automatically (unless set otherwise). Don't really like the claiming idea, since for my setup that would be a little complicated. Have thought about it before and haven't found a case where it's needed.

Glad to see the update fixed it! :)

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

AH ok they claim it when they are loged, that's good too =) C'ause there is this line into config.yml:

# Still processes rewards for offline rewards (just won't give any)
ProcessRewards: true

It confused me a bit

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

That just disables rewards, like for a hub server or something

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Anyway, i have to configure my whole command system now, with placeholders conditions etc etc. I make it now, i will post you the end result there ;) Maybe 1 full working day.

And if there is another thing that i need, i'll ask it here too! =)

However, very nice update, precisely what i needed! :D Thanks for that =)

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Well so! Here we have: 2021-02-24_18 24 00 Here is my ... Not that much last but almost, configuration of the plugin

The emerald on the Top-Right, is refering to another GUI that open a VoteShop

The Golden-blocks are here to show the MileStone of the month. 10/25/50/100/150/250/500 and what can be rewarded

Here is the code for that GUI:

    # GUI Name
    Name: '&5&lVotes'
    BackButton: false
    SiteName: '&c%Name%'
    SeeURL: '&cClick to see URL'
    NextVote: '&cCan Vote In: %Info%'
    #Start slot for specific site buttons
    StartSlot: 21
    ViewAllUrlsButtonEnabled: false
      #Set slot for AllUrlsButton
      Slot: 20
      RequireAllSitesVoted: true
        Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
        Data: 0 
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
        Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
        Data: 0
        Amount: 1
        Name: '&4All Voting Sites'
        - '&cClick Me'
      Material: 'REDSTONE_BLOCK'
      Data: 0 
      Amount: 1
      Material: 'EMERALD_BLOCK'
      Data: 0
      Amount: 1
    URLText: '%VoteUrl%'
    # Add Extra items
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 0
        Name: '&8'
        - 0
        - 1
        - 2
        - 3
        - 4
        - 5
        - 6
        - 7
        - 8
        - 9
        - 17
        - 18
        - 26
        - 27
        - 35
        - 36
        - 44
        - 45
        - 46
        - 47
        - 48
        - 49
        - 50
        - 51
        - 52
        - 53
        # Can run commands or effects
        # Rewards: []
        Material: 'SEA_LANTERN'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 20
        Name: '&e&lTout les sites de vote.'
        - '&fVous donne les liens de tout'
        - '&fles sites de vote.'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour ouvrir.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /sites'
        Material: 'CONDUIT'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 31
        Name: '&d&lVos statistiques votes'
        - "&aVotes du mois&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly%"
        - "&aPoints de vote&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_Points%"
        - '&0.'
        - "&2Votes totaux&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_Total_AllTime%"
        - "&2Classement du mois&f: &6&l%VotingPlugin_top_month_position%"
        - "&2Votes du mois dernier: &6&l%VotingPlugin_LastMonthTotal%"
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 37
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l10 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l5000$'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 38
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l25 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l20 &2&lEmeraudes'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 39
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l50 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l3 &2&lEmeraudes &a&lAntique'
        - '&f- &6&l20 &2&lEmeraudes'
        - '&f- &6&l10000$'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 40
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l100 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l1 &b&l*&9&lDiamant parfait&b&l*'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 41
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l150 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&l2 &f&lFraments de&e&l:"
        - '&f- &b&lDiamant&f runique'
        - '&f- &9&lSaphir&f runique'
        - '&f- &c&lRubis&f runique'
        - '&f- &e&lOr&f runique'
        - '&f- &a&lEmeraude&f runique'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 42
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l250 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&lGrade &2&lVIP &7(30 Jours)"
        - '&0.'
        - "&6Avec le pack &e&lLegendaire ultime&f:"
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l1 &fItem d''instance &2&lMagique&f.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 43
        Name: '&e&lRécompenses &f- &b&l%VotingPlugin_Total_Monthly% &f/ &9&l500 &a&lVotes du mois'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&lGrade &e&lVIP+ &7(30 Jours)"
        - '&0.'
        - "&6Avec le pack &e&lLegendaire ultime&f:"
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l2 &fItems d''instance &2&lMagique&f ou &9&lRare&r.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'
        Material: 'EMERALD'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 16
        Name: '&e&lVers le Shop Votes'
        - '&fVous ouvre le shop'
        - '&fdes Points de votes.'
        - '&0.'
        - '&f==&6> &eCliquez pour ouvrir.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /votershop'
        Material: 'OAK_SIGN'
        Amount: 1
        Slot: 43
        Name: '&a&lInfos Votes'
        - '&0.'
        - "&f- &6&lGrade &e&lVIP+ &7(30 Jours)"
        - '&0.'
        - "&6Avec le pack &e&lLegendaire ultime&f:"
        - '&0.'
        - '&f- &6&l2 &fItems d''instance &2&lMagique&f ou &9&lRare&r.'
          - 'mycmd-runas player %player_name% /vote'


VotesSites config

    Enabled: true
    Name: Site 0 - 24h
    Priority: 5
    Hidden: false
    ServiceSite: Serveurs Minecraft
    VoteDelay: 24
    WaitUntilVoteDelay: false
    VoteDelayDaily: false
    ForceOffline: false
      Material: DIAMOND
      Amount: 1
          Chance: 65
          - give %player_name% emerald 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &2Emeraude &9en votant'
          Chance: 15
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 5
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 5 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 15
          - give %player_name% emerald 5
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l5 &2Emeraudes &9en votant'
          Chance: 25
          - eco give %player_name% 1500
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1500 &e$ &9en votant'
          Chance: 5
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 10
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 10 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 5
          - give %player_name% netherite_ingot 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &4Netherite &9en votant'
          Chance: 2
          - mm items give %player_name% DiamantParfait 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &b&lDiamant parfait &9en votant'
            Player: '&c♪ &e♫ &a&lBad &e&lluck &b&lBryan &d♪ &6♫'
    Enabled: true
    Name: Site 1 - 1h30
    Priority: 4
    ServiceSite: ServeurPrive
    VoteDelay: 0
    VoteDelayMin: 90
          Chance: 65
          - give %player_name% emerald 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &2Emeraude &9en votant'
          Chance: 15
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 5
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 5 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 15
          - give %player_name% emerald 5
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l5 &2Emeraudes &9en votant'
          Chance: 25
          - eco give %player_name% 1500
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1500 &e$ &9en votant'
          Chance: 5
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 10
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 10 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 5
          - give %player_name% netherite_ingot 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &4Netherite &9en votant'
            Player: '&c♪ &e♫ &a&lBad &e&lluck &b&lBryan &d♪ &6♫'
    Enabled: true
    Name: Site 2 - 3h00
    Priority: 3
    VoteDelay: 0
    VoteDelayMin: 180
          Chance: 65
          - give %player_name% emerald 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &2Emeraude &9en votant'
          Chance: 15
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 5
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 5 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 15
          - give %player_name% emerald 5
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l5 &2Emeraudes &9en votant'
          Chance: 25
          - eco give %player_name% 1500
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1500 &e$ &9en votant'
          Chance: 5
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 10
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 10 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 5
          - give %player_name% netherite_ingot 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &4Netherite &9en votant'
            Player: '&c♪ &e♫ &a&lBad &e&lluck &b&lBryan &d♪ &6♫'
    Enabled: true
    Name: Site 3 - 3h00
    Priority: 2
    ServiceSite: Serveur Minecraft
    VoteDelay: 0
    VoteDelayMin: 180
          Chance: 65
          - give %player_name% emerald 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &2Emeraude &9en votant'
          Chance: 15
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 5
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 5 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 15
          - give %player_name% emerald 5
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l5 &2Emeraudes &9en votant'
          Chance: 25
          - eco give %player_name% 1500
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1500 &e$ &9en votant'
          Chance: 5
          - av User %player_name% AddPoints 10
            Player: '&aVous avez reçu 10 points de shop en votant.'
          Chance: 5
          - give %player_name% netherite_ingot 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &4Netherite &9en votant'
          Chance: 2
          - mm items give %player_name% DiamantParfait 1
            Player: '&9Vous avez reçu &6&l1 &b&lDiamant parfait &9en votant'
            Player: '&c♪ &e♫ &a&lBad &e&lluck &b&lBryan &d♪ &6♫'
EverySiteReward: []
tiradorus commented 3 years ago

However! i've found a bug maybe? The redstone-block don't go back to Emerald Block when it's possible to vote again.

Firstly it's Emerald, then redstone and ... stay as a RedstoneBlock even if the Vote is avaliable.

AND: Suggestion: Name of the site (Emerald and Redstone) in Green when vote is possible, and red when it's not ;)

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

What does /vote next show?

Added your suggestion:

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

As you can see bellow, that's just a problem of Emerald/redstone block ^^' 2021-02-25_00 23 14 2021-02-25_00 23 25

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Guess I hardcoded it so that if votedelay is 0 it always shows it's been voted on:

Never factored in votedelaymin into that

tiradorus commented 3 years ago


I'm back here to ... report a bug. A huge bug.

==> Offline votes are not rewarded when you have 2 or more offline votes <==

If you have only 1 offline vote, it works. But with 2 or more, there are no rewards at all, AND the emerald block don't turn to redstone block onto the gui. (votenext show you that the vote is possible)

As you can see below:

[18:10:37] [Server thread/INFO]: tiradorus lost connection: Disconnected
[18:10:49] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO]: [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from /xxx.xxxx.xxxx -> Vote (from:Serveurs Minecraft username:tiradorus address:xxx.xxxx.xxxx timeStamp:xxx.xxxx.xxxx additionalData:null)
[18:10:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'Serveurs Minecraft' by player 'tiradorus'!
[18:11:36] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO]: [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from /xxx.xxxx.xxxx -> Vote (from:Serveur Minecraft username:tiradorus address:xxx.xxxx.xxxx timeStamp:xxx.xxxx.xxxx additionalData:null)
[18:11:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'Serveur Minecraft' by player 'tiradorus'!
[18:11:54] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO]: [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from /xxx.xxxx.xxxx -> Vote (from:ServeurPrive username:tiradorus address:xxx.xxxx.xxxx timeStamp:xxx.xxxx.xxxx additionalData:null)
[18:11:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'ServeurPrive' by player 'tiradorus'!
[18:12:16] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO]: [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from /xxx.xxxx.xxxx -> Vote ( username:tiradorus address:xxx.xxxx.xxxx timeStamp:xxx.xxxx.xxxx additionalData:null)
[18:12:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site '' by player 'tiradorus'!
[18:12:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePerms] Login by tiradorus (xxx.xxxx.xxxx)
[18:12:27] [Server thread/INFO]: tiradorus[/xxx.xxxx.xxxx] logged in with entity id xxx.xxxx.xxxx at ([world]-246.0199062154593, 85.0, 951.282249777225)
[18:16:12] [Server thread/INFO]: tiradorus issued server command: /votenext
[18:16:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 2416/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site2
[18:16:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 2416/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site3
[18:16:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 2416/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site4
[18:16:13] [Timer-1348/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site2
[18:16:13] [Timer-1349/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site3
[18:16:13] [Timer-1350/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site4
[18:16:14] [Timer-1350/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site4
[18:16:14] [Timer-1349/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site3
[18:16:14] [Timer-1348/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site2
[18:16:15] [Timer-1349/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site3
[18:16:15] [Timer-1350/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site4
[18:16:15] [Timer-1348/WARN]: [VotingPlugin] Invalid display item section in site: Site2

1: I've disconnected to vote as an offline player 2: I've voted 4 times 3: Reconnected and don't had anything 4: As you can see, there are some errors into the /votenext. (Maybe my fault, i'm not sure)

Ps: Vote while online give the right recompense. Vote only once while offline give the right recompense

... And .. i think that's all onto the bug report =) Have a nice day!

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

How is your setup? Are you using nuvotifier to forward? You also need to set display items on each votesite (for some GUI's)

Edit: Try setting this to false in the config.yml: TreatVanishAsOffline: true

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Yup i have NuVotifier.

And the line "TreatVanishAsOffline:" does not exist in my config.yml ^^'

I use a databe for the storage of the votes (Mysql) Does it can came frome there?

And as i said above, the whole system is working (either ingame, or with 1 offline vote) The problem occurs only when the player have 2 or more offline votes.

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Add the option for TreatVanishAsOffline and set it to false. Not sure if that is what your issue is, but first thing to try. If not set debuglevel to EXTRA and send the log on vote and login (with 1 and 2 votes offline)

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

So, here i'm back.

The treatAsVanish: false added into the config doesn ot have change anything. I've created a DEBUG level EXTRA and voted offline.

However, i've instaled the last version of your plugin, and now, every offline votes are not rewarded.

Here we have: (Offline vote)

[17:28:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Logout: tiradorus (719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d)
[17:28:18] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1591/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Not giving empty list of rewards from LogoutRewards, Options: Online: false, OnlineSet: true, GiveOffline: true, CheckTimedtrue, IgnoreChancefalse, IgnoreRequirementsfalse, PlaceholdersDate%pair%lun., 15 mars 2021 17:28, Prefix, Suffix
[17:28:56] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO]: [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from / -> Vote (from:ServeurPrive username:tiradorus address: timeStamp:1615825736 additionalData:null)
[17:28:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'ServeurPrive' by player 'tiradorus'!
[17:28:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: PlayerUsername: tiradorus
[17:28:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: VoteSite: ServeurPrive
[17:28:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: IP:
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting LastVotes to 'Site1//1615800807652%line%Site3//1615800856833%line%Site2//1615825736164%line%Site4//1615800824818' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting LastVoteCoolDownCheck to 'Site1//false%line%Site3//true%line%Site2//false%line%Site4//true' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting OfflineVotes to 'Site4%line%Site2%line%Site3%line%Site1%line%Site4%line%Site2%line%Site3%line%Site4%line%Site3%line%Site2%line%Site1%line%Site1%line%Site2%line%Site4%line%Site3%line%Site2' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Offline vote set for tiradorus (c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1) on Site2
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting MilestoneCount to '16' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting MonthTotal to '16' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting AllTimeTotal to '16' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting DailyTotal to '16' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting WeeklyTotal to '16' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting Points to '16' for 'tiradorus/c3c1d7a4-12a4-3ff5-ae8d-bfd895088ec1' Queue: true
[17:28:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1577/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Not giving empty list of rewards from AllSites, Options: Online: false, OnlineSet: true, GiveOffline: true, CheckTimedtrue, IgnoreChancefalse, IgnoreRequirementsfalse, Placeholders, Prefix, Suffix
[17:28:56] [Timer-635/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Query Size: 9, usebatchupdates: true
[17:29:01] [User Authenticator #48/INFO]: UUID of player tiradorus is 719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d
[17:29:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePerms] Login by tiradorus (719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d)
[17:29:02] [Server thread/INFO]: tiradorus[/] logged in with entity id 589358 at ([world]-219.5430993144219, 134.0, 1035.1543007891232)

And Online vote:

[17:30:15] [Votifier epoll worker/INFO]: [Votifier] Got a protocol v1 vote record from / -> Vote ( username:tiradorus address:xxx.xx.xxxx.xxxx timeStamp:1615825815 additionalData:null)
[17:30:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site '' by player 'tiradorus'!
[17:30:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: PlayerUsername: tiradorus
[17:30:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: VoteSite:
[17:30:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: IP:
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting LastVotes to 'Site1//1615224602999%line%Site3//1615825816063%line%Site2//1615224680247%line%Site4//1615825770918' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting LastVoteCoolDownCheck to 'Site1//true%line%Site3//false%line%Site2//true%line%Site4//false' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Giving reward VoteSites.Site3.Rewards, Options: Online: true, OnlineSet: true, GiveOffline: true, CheckTimedtrue, IgnoreChancefalse, IgnoreRequirementsfalse, 2 - 3h00%entry%VoteURL%pair%[Text="",url=""]%entry%Date%pair%lun., 15 mars 2021 17:30, Prefix, Suffix
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement Chance:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement RewardExpiration:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement Permission:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement Server:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking Server, value: 
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement Worlds:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement RewardType:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement VaultGroup:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement JavascriptExpression:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Checking requirement LocationDistance:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Attempting to give tiradorus reward VoteSites_Site3_Rewards
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Money:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Money:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give EXP:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give EXPLevels:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give EXP:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give EXPLevels:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give RandomReward:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give AdvancedRandomReward:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give RandomItem:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Items:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Message:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Messages.Player:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Message:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Messages.Player:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Messages.Broadcast:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Messages.Broadcast:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Command:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give ActionBar:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Commands:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Commands:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Javascripts:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Javascript:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give RandomCommand:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Priority:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Potions:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Title:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give BossBar:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Sound:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Effect:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Firework:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Item:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Points:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give VoteBossBar:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Lucky:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Random:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give AdvancedPriority:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give SpecialChance:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give EnableChoices:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Attempting to give Rewards:5
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Gave tiradorus reward VoteSites_Site3_Rewards
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Not giving empty list of rewards from EverySiteReward, Options: Online: true, OnlineSet: true, GiveOffline: true, CheckTimedtrue, IgnoreChancefalse, IgnoreRequirementsfalse, 2 - 3h00%entry%VoteURL%pair%[Text="",url=""]%entry%Date%pair%lun., 15 mars 2021 17:30, Prefix, Suffix
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Not giving empty list of rewards from AnySiteRewards, Options: Online: true, OnlineSet: true, GiveOffline: true, CheckTimedtrue, IgnoreChancefalse, IgnoreRequirementsfalse, Placeholders, Prefix, Suffix
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting MilestoneCount to '47' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting MonthTotal to '47' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting AllTimeTotal to '564' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting DailyTotal to '564' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting WeeklyTotal to '564' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1599/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting Points to '399' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: VoteSites_Site3_Rewards: Giving AdvancedPriority
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward6: Checking Chance:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward6: Checking Chance, value: 5.0
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Chance Required: 5.0, RandomNum: 76.6327970526144
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: AdvancedPriority: Can't give reward Reward6
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward5: Checking Chance:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward5: Checking Chance, value: 5.0
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Chance Required: 5.0, RandomNum: 34.02496573442784
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: AdvancedPriority: Can't give reward Reward5
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward4: Checking Chance:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward4: Checking Chance, value: 15.0
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Chance Required: 15.0, RandomNum: 73.18491670979822
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: AdvancedPriority: Can't give reward Reward4
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward3: Checking Chance:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward3: Checking Chance, value: 15.0
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Chance Required: 15.0, RandomNum: 93.27148844789431
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: AdvancedPriority: Can't give reward Reward3
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking Chance:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking Chance, value: 20.0
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Chance Required: 20.0, RandomNum: 10.007116193035115
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking RewardExpiration:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking Permission:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking Server:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking Server, value: 
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking Worlds:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking RewardType:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking VaultGroup:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking JavascriptExpression:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Checking LocationDistance:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: AdvancedPriority: Giving reward Reward2
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Attempting to give tiradorus reward Reward2
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Money:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Money:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give EXP:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give EXPLevels:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give EXP:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give EXPLevels:100
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give RandomReward:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give AdvancedRandomReward:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give RandomItem:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Items:90
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Message:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Messages.Player:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Message:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Messages.Player:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Giving Messages.Player, value: &aVous avez reçu 5 points de shop en votant.
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Messages.Broadcast:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Messages.Broadcast:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Command:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give ActionBar:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Commands:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Giving Commands, value: av User %player_name% AddPoints 5
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Executing console command: av User tiradorus AddPoints 5
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Commands:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Javascripts:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Javascript:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give RandomCommand:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Priority:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Potions:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Title:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give BossBar:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Sound:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Effect:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Firework:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Item:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Points:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give VoteBossBar:50
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Lucky:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Random:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give AdvancedPriority:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give SpecialChance:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give EnableChoices:10
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Reward2: Attempting to give Rewards:5
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1592/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Gave tiradorus reward Reward2
[17:30:16] [Timer-635/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Query Size: 8, usebatchupdates: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1572/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Player Data: Setting Points to '404' for 'tiradorus/719978b2-c9e9-422f-b594-2a1a29923c3d' Queue: true
[17:30:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1572/INFO]: Gave tiradorus 5 points, tiradorus now has 404 points
[17:30:16] [Timer-635/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] ExtraDebug: Query Size: 1, usebatchupdates: true
[17:30:51] [Timer-1/INFO]: [VotingPlugin] Debug: Clearing cache basic
tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Found the problem while looking onto the logs. UUID When offline and online are not the same. It explain many things.

Offline votes count the player with the UUID of a premium player. Online votes count the player with the UUID of a crack player.

I use a Bungee system with premium only players. However, the voting system is standing onto the 'Principal' server so i don't use VotingPlugin Bungee. (Other servers are not desserved by the votes)

I think we have to dig into this direction

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Try latest spigot build? From what I see in the log I think it's the treatvanishasoffline and I think you miscased the option, so it didn't read. Latest spigot defaults the option to false. According to what the plugin is saving the data to it is using the correct uuid.

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

Hey, any update on this? Wanting to know if you got it all working

tiradorus commented 3 years ago

Hi there! Had a lot of work =)

I've found the way to make it works eheh! I had to delete the whole config.yml and let the server make a new one with a reload ^^'

It's the second time that i have to remove the config.yml with VotingPlugin to make it works. It looksLike the updater of the config.yml is broken (Not that important anyway)

However i actualy have a nice voting system ! 👍 Could maybe be improved a bit with a lil' thing (I'm not sure if it's not already doable or not! By having a ... remember alarm system (just as now) but for each sites, and only one when connecting

                                            = Example: =

Player 1 joined the server, he have only 1 message + commands etc etc, that tell him to vote. Then he vote on the whole sites (With different countdown) When 1 of thoses sites are votable again, he have an alarm that tell him that one of the site are available. . If he don't vote, he have another alarm X minutes later. . If he vote, he have no alarm anymore until a site is votable again. . If he have 2+ voting site available, he have an unique alarm on a unique cooldown that send him a message each X minutes. . Each site send an alarm when they are available, but not when the player connect (It prevents to have 4 or 5 same message on the same time when connecting)

I'm not sure if it's already doable or not with some manipulations with the config, i had so much things to do with other plugs that i don't have found the time to inspect in details the whole mechanism of the remembering system.

Have a nice day! 😄

BenCodez commented 3 years ago

It's sort of possible to do what you want. The built in reminder can go off with the permission VotingPlugin.Login.RemindVotes.Any, so instead of remind on all sites (being required to vote on) it will remind on any site that is voteable.

I do wanna revamp the remind system a bit though. So if that doesn't fit your needs I might see what I can do. There is a few other ways to do what you want, but it's a bit complicated to do right now (hence the revamp idea)

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.