BenCodez / VotingPlugin

Plugin on SpigotMC
84 stars 68 forks source link

VoteParty Rewards given to all players when random players join(its not new people but like half of regulars joining) #1292

Closed ImJusThat1Guy closed 1 year ago

ImJusThat1Guy commented 1 year ago

Versions Latest for both

Describe the bug Bug is giving all players triple vote party rewards when a regular player joins, but its not everyone.. it's never a new player only players that have already been on for a little, maybe because they voted before i edited vote party.. not sure..

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. not quite sure how to reproduce but i can send my config and special rewards file

Expected behavior I expect for it to not give rewards at all when a player joins, only when a vote party occurs, which is only set to 1 key anyway..

Screenshots/Configs `# To disable reward set value to {}

or remove entirely


FirstVote: {} (All in one line)

Rewards will be given if there is a reward to give, otherwise they will be ignored

First vote rewards

FirstVote: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted for your first time!'

First vote of the day reward

FirstVoteToday: {}

All vote rewards

One time reward for voting on all sites in one day

Enable ExtraAllSitesCheck if you get double rewards

AllSites: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted on all sites in 1 day!' Command: crate key give %player% epic_crate_key 1

Give a reward for voting on all sites minus 1

Similar to allsites



Player: '&aYou almost voted on all sites in 1 day!'

If true only cumulative reward at a time can be given

The cumulative rewards will go in order as listed under Cumulative, so if true

the first cumulative (in the order as listed) that can be given will, then will ignore the rest

OnlyOneCumulative: false

NOTE: This is not a 1 time reward, that's what milestones are for!

If total votes (Can be changed) divided by cumulative amount

and with no remainder (So divides perfectly) then a reward is given


Number of votes required

Allows multiple cumulative rewards

Number be be around ' (E.g. '1')

Can have multiple listed here

'20': Enabled: false

Whether or not votes must be made in same day/week

# Useful if you want to require a certain number of voting sites to be voted on
# for a daily/weekly reward instead of all of them
# Valid options
# AllTime
# Monthly
# Weekly
# Daily
TotalToUse: AllTime
# Blacklist recurring votes
# BlackList:
# - 40
# Whether or not to gives cumulative reward for every x number of votes, default: true
# Recurring: true
    Player: '&aYou got %cumulative% cumulative votes!'

Vote party configuration


Wether or not vote party is enabled

Enabled: true

Number of votes required to give rewards

VotesRequired: 100

Increase the amount of votes required on each vote party reached

IncreaseVotesRquired: 10

If true, players who did not vote to reach the votes required will

recieve the reward

If false, only players who voted get rewards

GiveAllPlayers: true

If true, give online players the vote party reward

Can also use RewardType: ONLINE if you wanted

GiveOnlinePlayersOnly: true

If true, the vote count will reset each day

ResetEachDay: false

If true, the vote count will reset each week

ResetWeekly: false

Reset at the end of the month

ResetMonthly: false

If true, will give voteparty only once per day

OnlyOncePerDay: false

If true, will give voteparty once per week only

OnlyOncePerWeek: false

Reset extra votes

ResetExtraVotesMonthly: false

Count votes from /av vote?

CountFakeVotes: false

Number of user votes that apply to vote party total the user needs to get rewards

UserVotesRequired: 0

Count offline votes

CountOfflineVotes: true

Broadcast when vote party reached

Broadcast: '&8[&c&l!&8] &3Thanks to everyone for voting! &bFree keys WOOOOOHH!!'

List of commands to execute, these only execute once.

%player% does not work here

GlobalCommands: []

Rewards to give per player

Rewards: Commands: Console: [] Items: {} EXPLevels: 20 Command: crate key giveall key_crate_key 1

Reset milestones at end of the month

ResetMilestonesMonthly: false

One time reward to be given (unless you reset it somehow)


Number of votes required

Allows multiple milestones

Number be around ' (E.g. '1')

Can have multiple listed here

'20': Enabled: false Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou got %milestone% milestone votes!'


Valid options: Day, Week, Month


Number of days in a row

# Each day requires one vote
# Add a - to give a reward for every multiple (e.g. 2- = 2,4,6,8, and so on)
  # Enabled or not
  Enabled: false
  # Rewards to give
      Player: '&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%''s in a row!'


Number of weeks in a row

# Requires atleast one vote per week
  # Enabled or not
  Enabled: false
  # Rewards to give
      Player: '&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%''s in a row!'


Number of months in a row

# Requires atleast 1 vote per month
  # Enabled or not
  Enabled: false
  # Rewards to give
      Player: '&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%''s in a row!'


Require certain percentage of votes

UsePercentage: false
# Percentage requirements of votes
# 50 = %50
Day: 50
Week: 50
Month: 50

Reward given when all votesites are available to vote on

Don't use this unless you really need it

Little performance intensive

Recommend add RewardType: ONLINE for it to only work online

VoteCoolDownEndedReward: []



Any reward files listed here are ran on vote of any site

It is recommended to add rewards to each site instead of here

Using forceoffline won't work here

Use EverySiteReward in VoteSites.yml for a global reward for each site

AnySiteRewards: Command: eco give %player_name% 1000 Chance: 50 Commands: Console:

Rewards to run when player logs in

LoginRewards: {}

Rewards to run when player logs off

Will queue until player logs in unless forceoffline is enabled

LogoutRewards: {}

EnableMonthlyAwards: true

TopVoter Placeholders:

%place% - place in topvoter

%topvoter% - topvoter type

%votes% - current total votes related to top voter

Rewards to give


Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...

Using 1-10 will reward players in first to tenth place with the same reward

'1': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' '2': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'

EnableWeeklyAwards: false

Rewards to give on weekly top voter


Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...

'1': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' '2': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'

EnableDailyRewards: false

Rewards to give on daily top voter


Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...


Reward files to give

    Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!'

'2': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!' # VotingPlugin by BenCodez

Main Config

See wiki for help:

Config is sorted in sections

Use Control + F to search with Notepad++


User storage


Valid Options:



DataStorage: SQLITE

Information for mysql

See the end of the config for cache options

MySQL: Host: ''

Default port is 3306

Port: 6378 Database: '' Username: '' Password: ''

Max number of connections

MaxConnections: 1

Table name prefix, for use with mutliple servers

Don't use with PLUGINMESSAGING bungee setup

Prefix: ''

UseSSL: true

PublicKeyRetrieval: false

MaxLifeTime: -1

Additional info on connection string

Line: ''

Attempt to use mariadb driver

UseMariaDB: false




Configuration for VoteReminding

By default this should be all setup to work

as long as vote delays are done properly in votesites.yml


Enable vote reminding

This will remind player when he can vote on all sites

Requires VoteDelays to be setup properly

Use /vote next to see when you can be reminded

Players require the perm "VotingPlugin.Login.RemindVotes" or "VotingPlugin.Player"

To remind if any votesite is available (rather than all) use the permission "VotingPlugin.Login.RemindVotes.Any"

Enabled: true

Will remind player on login if he can vote

RemindOnLogin: true

Whether or not to remind only once when the player can vote

Does not apply to login reminds.

RemindOnlyOnce: true

Delay to remind votes in minutes

Set to -1 to disable

RemindDelay: 30

Run rewards

and have the default message

Can add titles and more in the reward

This can also be edited via /av gui

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou have %sitesavailable% sites to vote on still!' Title: Enabled: false Title: '&cRemember to vote!' SubTitle: '&aType /vote' FadeIn: 10 ShowTime: 50 FadeOut: 10 ActionBar: Message: '&cRemember to vote' Delay: 30


Format options


Common PlacesHolders:

Special PlaceHolders will be commented where available

%player% = player name

%SiteName% = vote site name


Set Message to '' (2 ') to disable message


CommandHandler help message

Mainly used in admin help page, see below for /vote help

HelpLine: '&6%Command% - &6%HelpMessage%'

Broadcast vote message

Set to an empty message to disable

Use %NewLine% for a new line

BroadcastMsg: '&9&lVOTE &7» &bThanks &3%player% &bfor voting on %SiteName%'

If true uses broadcast setting below for offline votes

OnlyOneOfflineBroadcast: false OfflineBroadcast: '&9&lVOTE &bThanks &3%player% &bfor voting on %numberofvotes% times!'

Broadcast only when player is online

BroadcastWhenOnline: false

Broadcast every x number of minutes with number of players that voted

AlternateBroadcast: Enabled: false

Use %players% for all players names

# Use %numberofplayers% for number of players that voted
Broadcast: '&6[&4Broadcast&6] &2%numberofplayers% voted in the last half hour! /vote'
# Delay in minutes
Delay: 30


Format for /vote

# %num% = the number of the site, for a numbered list
# %url% = site URL
  - '&b&lVote for our server!'

  # If you want to want to use the feature below where the plugin will
  # automaticly list the sites then set the message in the text above
  AutoInputSites: true
  # For each VoteSite
  # make sure to set VoteURL in your VoteSites
  # Requires above to be true
  # Text will be sent before this
  Sites: '&b%num%: &7&l%SiteName% &7» %url%'

  # If true, links will always be forced as urls
  ForceLinks: true

  # Format for /vote next
    # First line
    Title: '&3&l%player% Next Votes:'

    # How each line is setup for each vote site
    # %info% = Info - See Below 
    # %SiteName% = site name from vote
    Layout: '&3%SiteName%: &6%info%'

      # Message when player can vote
      CanVote: 'Go Vote!'
      # Time until vote msg
      # %hours% = hours until next vote
      # %minutes% = minutes until next vote
      TimeUntilVote: '%hours% Hours and %minutes% Minutes'
      # If there is an error finding out time until next vote
      Error: '&cCould not caculate time until next vote!'
      # For sites that have this, requires votedelaydaily to be set to true in the site
      VoteDelayDaily: '%hours% Hours and %minutes% Minutes'

   # Format for /vote last
    # First line
    Title: '&3&l%player% Last Vote Times:'
    # Lines for each vote site
    # %time% = time, using timeformat below
    # %timesince% = time since vote
    Line: '&3%SiteName%: &6%timeSince%'
    # Spelling of TimeType can be changed under Format.Commands.TimeFormats
    TimeFormat: '%amount% %TimeType%'
    LastVoted: '%times% ago'
    NeverVoted: 'Never voted'

  # Format for /vote total
  - '&3&l%player% Total Votes:'
  - '&3&lDaily Total: &6&l%DailyTotal%'
  - '&3&lWeekly Total: &6&l%WeeklyTotal%'
  - '&3&lMonthly Total: &6&l%MonthlyTotal%'
  - '&3&lAllTime Total: &6&l%AllTimeTotal%'

  # Format for /vote total all  
  - '&3&lServer Total Votes:'
  - '&3&lDaily Total: &6&l%DailyTotal%'
  - '&3&lWeekly Total: &6&l%WeeklyTotal%'
  - '&3&lMonthly Total: &6&l%MonthlyTotal%'
  - '&3&lAllTime Total: &6&l%AllTimeTotal%'

  # Format for /vote top
    # First line
    # %page% = current page
    # %maxpages% = max number of pages
    # %Top% = Monthly/Weekly/Daily (depending on command)
    Title: '&3Top %Top% Voters %page%/%maxpages%'
    # Line for each player in that page
    Line: '&c%num%: &6%player%, %votes%'

  # Format for /vote help
    # Title of /vote help
    Title: '&6&lVoting Player Help'
    # Format for help message in /v help
    Line: '&6%Command% - &6%HelpMessage%'
    # Hover color for help message
    # Hex format: #HEXCOLOR
    HoverColor: AQUA
    # Require permission to see command in /v help or /av help
    RequirePermission: true

    Title: '&3&l%player% Best Votes'
    - '&3Highest Daily Total: &3&l%HighestDailyTotal%'
    - '&3Highest Week Total: &3&l%HighestWeeklyTotal%'
    - '&3Highest Month Total: &3&l%HighestMonthlyTotal%'

    Title: '&3&l%player% Vote Streak'
    - '&3Current Daily Streak: &3&l%DailyStreak%'
    - '&3Current Week Streak: &3&l%WeeklyStreak%'
    - '&3Current Month Streak: &3&l%MonthlyStreak%'
    - '&3&lHighest Streaks:'
    - '&3Highest Daily Streak: &3&l%BestDailyStreak%'
    - '&3Highest Week Streak: &3&l%BestWeeklyStreak%'
    - '&3Highest Month Streak: &3&l%BestMonthlyStreak%'

    - "&cToday's Votes %page%/%maxpage%"
    - '&cPlayerName : VoteSite : Time'
    Line: '&6%player% : %VoteSite% : %Time%'

  # PlaceHolders:
  # %VotesRequired% = VotesRequired
  # %NeededVotes% = Number of votes needed to reach VotesRequired
  # %Votes% = Number of votes
  - '&cCurrently at &6%Votes%&c, &6%NeededVotes% &cmore votes to go to reach &6%VotesRequired%'

  # %Points% = player points
  Points: '&a%Player% currently has &a&l%Points%&a Points!'

  # /vote givepoints command
  # Transfer between players command
  # Enable command below
    NotEnoughPoints: '&cNot enough points'
    NotJoinedServer: '&c%player% has not joined the server'
    NumberLowerThanZero: '&cNumber of points needs to be greater than 0'
    TransferFrom: '&c%transfer% points given to %touser%'
    TransferTo: '&cYou received %transfer% points from %fromuser%'

    Enabled: '&cYou will now see vote broadcasts'
    Disabled: '&cYou will no longer see vote broadcasts'

    Enabled: '&cVote reminders enabled'
    Disabled: '&cVote reminders disabled'

Msg on top voter award, will only send message if that place has a reward set

%place% = place - 1,2,3,etc

TopVoterAwardMsg: '&aYou came in %place% in top voters of the month! Here is an award!'

Time Format


TimeFormat: 'EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm'

Reward time format for %date% placeholder (Time of giving reward)

RewardTimeFormat: 'EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm'

TimeFormats: Day: 'Day' Days: 'Days' Hour: 'Hour' Hours: 'Hours' Minute: 'Minute' Minutes: 'Minutes' Second: 'Second' Seconds: 'Seconds'

Format for signs

SiteName may be all, depending on sign

%position% = position of player, set by sign

%votes% = Number of votes

Signs: TopVoterSign: Line1: 'TopVoter: %SiteName%' Line2: '#%position%' Line3: '%player%' Line4: '%votes% Votes'

Message when right clicking sign, uses same placeholders as above

RightClickMessage: '&c&l%player% &cis &c&l%position% &cwith &c&l%votes% &cvotes in &c&l%SiteName%'

Message when player tries to run command without required permissions

NoPerms: '&cYou do not have enough permission!'

Message when player types a command but does not input a number where needed

NotNumber: '&cError on &6%arg%&c, number expected!'

Shop messages when using the /vote shop

ShopPurchase: '&aYou bought the %Identifier% for %Points% Points!' ShopFailed: '&cYou do not have %Points% points to purchase this!' ShopNotPurchasable: '&cThis item is not buyable!'

User not exist message, from commands such as /vote next (player)

UserNotExist: '&cUser does not exist: %player%'

Prev/Next page tems in GUIs

PrevItem: Material: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' Amount: 1 Name: '&aPrevious Page'

NextItem: Material: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' Amount: 1 Name: '&aNext Page'

InvFull: '&cInventory full'

Display text

Used in /vote top (GUI)

TopVoter: Daily: 'Daily' Weekly: 'Weekly' Monthly: 'Monthly' AllTime: 'AllTime'

Playernames to not be broadcasted when voting

case sensitive

VotingBroadcastBlacklist: []

Playernames to not be broadcasted when broadcast comes from reward file

case sensitive

BroadcastBlacklist: []


Top Voter

Top voter rewards available in specialrewards.yml


Top voter blacklist

Hide these names from top voter lists


If true players with the permission 'VotingPlugin.TopVoter.Ignore' will act

as if there name was added on the the blacklist above

This also applies for players with op

TopVoterIgnorePermission: false

/vote top default data displayed

Valid Options: AllTime, Monthly, Weekly, Daily

VoteTopDefault: Monthly

Whether or not to have ties on top voter rewards

TopVoterAwardsTies: true

These are required to be enabled in order for top voter awards to work

LoadTopVoter: AllTime: true Monthly: true Weekly: false Daily: false

Maxium number of players to show on top voter

Set to -1 for no limit

MaxiumNumberOfTopVotersToLoad: 1000

When top voter awards are given (even if there are none listed) it will store top voters

Files will created in TopVoters folder.

Monthly top voters are always saved by default now

StoreTopVoters: Weekly: false Daily: false

Limit monthly votes to number of days of a month multipled by the number of sites

LimitMonthlyVotes: false




Debug levels:




DebugLevel: NONE

Debug info ingame

Players with permission "VotingPlugin.Debug"

will see debug info if debug is true

DebugInGame: false

Will log debug messages to VotingPlugin/Log/log.txt

Only needed for extreme cases

LogDebugToFile: false

Whether or not to log every vote to a file

Use this if you wanna track player votes

Not recommended though

LogVotesToFile: false


Placeholderapi placeholders settings


When enabled the command /vote setprimaryaccount (playername)

will be shown (after restart)

Primary account will be used instead of the players account to get

placeholder and other data such as vote reminding

Mainly to be used for alts and such

UsePrimaryAccountForPlaceholders: false

Valid Options:

AUTO - Auto cache after they have been used (Recommended)

SPECIFIC - Only cache certain placeholders

NONE - Don't cache any placeholders

PlaceholderCacheLevel: AUTO

Placeholder controls

Add _process to end of placeholder to force a return value rather than . or .. if no cached value is ready

Add _nocache to end of placeholder to skip cache and retrive a live value, uses a direct mysql connection, do not use on main thread


Set which placeholders to cache at all times

Use for placeholders to are pulled constantly or on the main thread

Mainly aimed for scoreboards that pull placeholders often

Placeholders may auto cache in certain conditions (if enabled above)

Will use additional memory, but not a lot

Still in early stages, please report bugs

Please remove VotingPlugin_ from the placeholder listed here

CachedPlaceholders: []

- Total_AllTime

When enabled, javascript will be parsed on placeholders (from placeholderapi)

allows more fancy placeholders with math for example

UseJavascriptPlaceholders: false

Custom placeholder returns

For the example below use %votingplugin_custom_enoughpoints_5%


Keep everything lowercase



'true': 'User has enough points'

'false': 'User does not have enough points'


Login options


If true vanished players are treated as if they are offline

TreatVanishAsOffline: false

Delays login event, delays vote reminding and more

In miliseconds, 1000 = 1 second

DelayLoginEvent: 0

Wait until user is logged in with AuthMe

Requires AuthMe

WaitUntilLoggedIn: true


Disable/Enable features


If true, cooldown check is disabled

DisableCoolDownCheck: false

If true, disable PlayerInteractEvent (for clicking signs and skulls)

DisableInteractEvent: false

Disable this on a hub server for example

Still processes rewards for offline rewards (just won't give any)

ProcessRewards: true

Set to true to disable no service site message on voting

You should never have to touch this if everything is setup properly

Will also disable a few other warnings about vote sites

DisableNoServiceSiteMessage: false

Count fake votes

If true fake votes will give points and totals

CountFakeVotes: true

Whether or not to disable update checks

DisableUpdateChecking: false

Enable per site cooldown events, requires more resources to use

Requires restart

PerSiteCoolDownEvents: false

Queue votes during a time change (doesn't apply to bungee voting)

Votes will be given when time change is completed

QueueVotesDuringTimeChange: false

If true, plugin will automaticly generate votesites

Disable this if you experience issues with sites being created randomly

Most cases this will work all the time

AutoCreateVoteSites: true

Set this to false to disable the plugin adding totals

Not really recommended

AddTotals: true

If false, votestreaks will be disabled

UseVoteStreaks: true

If false, storing best totals will be disabled

UseHighestTotals: true

Enable Geyser prefix support

Geyser support is hit or miss currently

May work best if players vote with prefix

GeyserPrefixSupport: false GeyserPrefix: '*'

Whether or not to create daily backups. (Only the most recent ones get kept)

CreateBackups: true

Automaticly download the latest version

Will require a restart to actually update

Note: It takes 30-40 minutes before being able to download the latest build

You can also use /av download

AutoDownload: false

If false plugin will use offline player UUIDs

OnlineMode: true

Disable checking on world change

May improve performance

DisableCheckOnWorldChange: false

If true, number of vote shop purchases will be tracked

Data will be tracked in serverdata.yml, may change in the future

No commands to view data currently

TrackShopPurchases: false


Skull settings


Preload skulls to improve performance for vote top

when using skulls as the item to display players

If false, skulls will be cached as they are used

assuming loadskulls is enabled

PreloadSkulls: false

Setting to false disables saving skulls in a cache to improve speeds

Will reduce ram usage (very little) if disabled, but slow GUI speeds when using skulls

LoadSkulls: true


Extra checks on vote


If true, allsites will have an extra check to prevent duplicate allsites from being given

ExtraAllSitesCheck: false

This is an extra safe guard to prevent milestones

from being executed more than once

Shoudn't be needed, but enable if you have trouble with milestones

PreventRepeatMilestones: false

Number of points to give on vote

Set to 0 to give no points

PointsOnVote: 1

May need to enable this for bungee setups

Let players who never joined before vote

Recommend: False (Will prevent creating random user data)

AllowUnjoined: false

Use server lookup for when allowunjoined is set to false

Recommend leaving enabled unless you face issues

AllowUnJoinedCheckServer: true


Command/Permission settings


Give VotingPlugin.Player by default

Requires restart to take affect

GiveDefaultPermission: true

Permissions given by VotingPlugin.Player by default

Permissions listed here will no be accessible with the default permission

DisabledDefaultPermissions: []

If true, /vote will open /vote gui by default

UseVoteGUIMainCommand: false

Disable checking permissions on tab complete

Could increase performance slightly, but probably not

DisableAdvancedTab: false

Load command aliases, such as /avgui

Requires restart to take effect

LoadCommandAliases: true

Use vault for permission checks

May not work on some plugins

UseVaultPermissions: false

List of disabled commands from /vote

List the specific permission



DisabledCommands: []

If true, permissions will be handled differently

MultiplePermissionsCheck: false

Allow transfer of vote points between players

Requires restart for command to load

Command: /vote givepoints (player) (points)

AllowVotePointTransfers: false

AddCustomCommands: false

Injects custom command to /vote

Requires AddCustomCommand: true to be set


identifier, not specific name

command1: Args:


Background task settings


Only update in the background when needed when set to false

AlwaysUpdate: false

Update in the background only if players are online

UpdateWithPlayersOnlineOnly: false

Delay between background updates like signs and more

Default: 3 Minutes

Longer times result in longer wait in stuff updating after a vote, like topvoter

DelayBetweenUpdates: 3

Enable to true for extra player checks

Recommend leaving this to false

ExtraBackgroundUpdate: false


Inventory controls


Click sound when using gui

Set to none for no sound

ClickSound: Sound: 'UI_BUTTON_CLICK' Volume: 1.0 Pitch: 1.0

If true, items given for rewards are dropped on the ground

If false, items will be given when there is space

DropOnFullInv: true

This will prevent spam clicking GUI's to prevent exploits

Number is time in between clicking in milliseconds

SpamClickTime: 150

Message to send when inventory forced closed when spam clicking

Uncomment to use

SpamClickMessage: '&cDetected spam clicking GUI, closing to prevent exploits'

Will force GUI's to close on every click

AlwaysCloseInventory: false

Close inventory on player vote

This is to prevent any possible exploits

CloseInventoryOnVote: true

This will close GUI's if you shift click them rather than a regular

This can help prevent exploits

CloseGUIOnShiftClick: false


Purge settings


Remove old player files

Happens on startup or /av purge

PurgeOldData: false

Minimum number of days offline in order to purge

PurgeMin: 90


Extra options

Options below don't need to be touched


If enabled, data is repulled from storage on vote shop purchase

This prevents possible exploits with vote shop

ExtraVoteShopCheck: true

Options for request api

Current methods:




This is mainly used for admin gui's to type in values

RequestAPI: DefaultMethod: 'Anvil' DisabledMethods: []


BenCodez commented 1 year ago

Anything under Rewards is ran for each player

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023, 10:18 PM ImJusThat1Guy @.***> wrote:

Versions Latest for both

Describe the bug Bug is giving all players triple vote party rewards when a regular player joins, but its not everyone.. it's never a new player only players that have already been on for a little, maybe because they voted before i edited vote party.. not sure..

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. not quite sure how to reproduce but i can send my config and special rewards file

Expected behavior I expect for it to not give rewards at all when a player joins, only when a vote party occurs, which is only set to 1 key anyway..

Screenshots/Configs `# To disable reward set value to {} or remove entirely Eg: FirstVote: {} (All in one line) Rewards will be given if there is a reward to give, otherwise they will be ignored First vote rewards

FirstVote: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted for your first time!' First vote of the day reward

FirstVoteToday: {} All vote rewards One time reward for voting on all sites in one day Enable ExtraAllSitesCheck if you get double rewards

AllSites: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted on all sites in 1 day!' Command: crate key give %player% epic_crate_key 1 Give a reward for voting on all sites minus 1 Similar to allsites AlmostAllSites: Messages: Player: '&aYou almost voted on all sites in 1 day!' If true only cumulative reward at a time can be given The cumulative rewards will go in order as listed under Cumulative, so if true the first cumulative (in the order as listed) that can be given will, then will ignore the rest

OnlyOneCumulative: false NOTE: This is not a 1 time reward, that's what milestones are for! If total votes (Can be changed) divided by cumulative amount and with no remainder (So divides perfectly) then a reward is given

Cumulative: Number of votes required Allows multiple cumulative rewards Number be be around ' (E.g. '1') Can have multiple listed here

'20': Enabled: false

Whether or not votes must be made in same day/week

Useful if you want to require a certain number of voting sites to be

voted on

for a daily/weekly reward instead of all of them

Valid options





TotalToUse: AllTime

Blacklist recurring votes


- 40

Whether or not to gives cumulative reward for every x number of votes,

default: true

Recurring: true

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou got %cumulative% cumulative votes!' Vote party configuration

VoteParty: Wether or not vote party is enabled

Enabled: true Number of votes required to give rewards

VotesRequired: 100 Increase the amount of votes required on each vote party reached IncreaseVotesRquired: 10 If true, players who did not vote to reach the votes required will recieve the reward If false, only players who voted get rewards

GiveAllPlayers: true If true, give online players the vote party reward Can also use RewardType: ONLINE if you wanted

GiveOnlinePlayersOnly: true If true, the vote count will reset each day

ResetEachDay: false If true, the vote count will reset each week

ResetWeekly: false Reset at the end of the month

ResetMonthly: false If true, will give voteparty only once per day

OnlyOncePerDay: false If true, will give voteparty once per week only

OnlyOncePerWeek: false Reset extra votes

ResetExtraVotesMonthly: false Count votes from /av vote?

CountFakeVotes: false Number of user votes that apply to vote party total the user needs to get rewards

UserVotesRequired: 0 Count offline votes

CountOfflineVotes: true Broadcast when vote party reached

Broadcast: '&8[&c&l!&8] &3Thanks to everyone for voting! &bFree keys WOOOOOHH!!' List of commands to execute, these only execute once. %player% does not work here

GlobalCommands: [] Rewards to give per player

Rewards: Commands: Console: [] Items: {} EXPLevels: 20 Command: crate key giveall key_crate_key 1 Reset milestones at end of the month

ResetMilestonesMonthly: false One time reward to be given (unless you reset it somehow)

MileStones: Number of votes required Allows multiple milestones Number be around ' (E.g. '1') Can have multiple listed here

'20': Enabled: false Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou got %milestone% milestone votes!'

VoteStreak: Valid options: Day, Week, Month


Number of days in a row

Each day requires one vote

Add a - to give a reward for every multiple (e.g. 2- = 2,4,6,8, and so

on) '2':

Enabled or not

Enabled: false

Rewards to give

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%''s in a row!' Week:

Number of weeks in a row

Requires atleast one vote per week


Enabled or not

Enabled: false

Rewards to give

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%''s in a row!' Month:

Number of months in a row

Requires atleast 1 vote per month


Enabled or not

Enabled: false

Rewards to give

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%''s in a row!' Requirement:

Require certain percentage of votes

UsePercentage: false

Percentage requirements of votes

50 = %50

Day: 50 Week: 50 Month: 50 Reward given when all votesites are available to vote on Don't use this unless you really need it Little performance intensive Recommend add RewardType: ONLINE for it to only work online

VoteCoolDownEndedReward: [] ONLY USE THIS FOR TITLES/SOUNDS AND OTHER EFFECTS IT WILL ONLY RUN ONE TIME FOR ANY NUMBER OF OFFLINE VOTES (3 offline votes = 1 AnySiteReward) Any reward files listed here are ran on vote of any site It is recommended to add rewards to each site instead of here Using forceoffline won't work here Use EverySiteReward in VoteSites.yml for a global reward for each site

AnySiteRewards: Command: eco give %player_name% 1000 Chance: 50 Commands: Console:

  • crate key give %player_name% vote 1 Rewards to run when player logs in

LoginRewards: {} Rewards to run when player logs off Will queue until player logs in unless forceoffline is enabled

LogoutRewards: {}

EnableMonthlyAwards: true TopVoter Placeholders: %place% - place in topvoter %topvoter% - topvoter type %votes% - current total votes related to top voter Rewards to give

MonthlyAwards: Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc... Using 1-10 will reward players in first to tenth place with the same reward

'1': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' '2': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'

EnableWeeklyAwards: false Rewards to give on weekly top voter

WeeklyAwards: Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...

'1': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' '2': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'

EnableDailyRewards: false Rewards to give on daily top voter

DailyAwards: Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...


Reward files to give

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' '2': Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'

VotingPlugin by BenCodez

Main Config See wiki for help: Config is sorted in sections Use Control + F to search with Notepad++

########################################### User storage

########################################### Valid Options: - SQLITE - MYSQL

DataStorage: SQLITE Information for mysql See the end of the config for cache options

MySQL: Host: '' Default port is 3306

Port: 6378 Database: '' Username: '' Password: '' Max number of connections

MaxConnections: 1 Table name prefix, for use with mutliple servers Don't use with PLUGINMESSAGING bungee setup

Prefix: ''

UseSSL: true

PublicKeyRetrieval: false

MaxLifeTime: -1

Additional info on connection string

Line: ''

Attempt to use mariadb driver

UseMariaDB: false

########################################### VoteReminding

########################################### Configuration for VoteReminding By default this should be all setup to work as long as vote delays are done properly in votesites.yml

VoteReminding: Enable vote reminding This will remind player when he can vote on all sites Requires VoteDelays to be setup properly Use /vote next to see when you can be reminded Players require the perm "VotingPlugin.Login.RemindVotes" or "VotingPlugin.Player" To remind if any votesite is available (rather than all) use the permission "VotingPlugin.Login.RemindVotes.Any"

Enabled: true Will remind player on login if he can vote

RemindOnLogin: true Whether or not to remind only once when the player can vote Does not apply to login reminds.

RemindOnlyOnce: true Delay to remind votes in minutes Set to -1 to disable

RemindDelay: 30 Run rewards and have the default message Can add titles and more in the reward This can also be edited via /av gui

Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou have %sitesavailable% sites to vote on still!' Title: Enabled: false Title: '&cRemember to vote!' SubTitle: '&aType /vote' FadeIn: 10 ShowTime: 50 FadeOut: 10 ActionBar: Message: '&cRemember to vote' Delay: 30

########################################### Format options

########################################### Common PlacesHolders: Special PlaceHolders will be commented where available %player% = player name %SiteName% = vote site name Set Message to '' (2 ') to disable message

Format: CommandHandler help message Mainly used in admin help page, see below for /vote help

HelpLine: '&6%Command% - &6%HelpMessage%' Broadcast vote message Set to an empty message to disable Use %NewLine% for a new line

BroadcastMsg: '&9&lVOTE &7» &bThanks &3%player% &bfor voting on %SiteName%' If true uses broadcast setting below for offline votes

OnlyOneOfflineBroadcast: false OfflineBroadcast: '&9&lVOTE &bThanks &3%player% &bfor voting on %numberofvotes% times!' Broadcast only when player is online

BroadcastWhenOnline: false Broadcast every x number of minutes with number of players that voted

AlternateBroadcast: Enabled: false

Use %players% for all players names

Use %numberofplayers% for number of players that voted

Broadcast: '&6[&4Broadcast&6] &2%numberofplayers% voted in the last half hour! /vote'

Delay in minutes

Delay: 30


Format for /vote

%num% = the number of the site, for a numbered list

%url% = site URL

Vote: Text:

  • '&b&lVote for our server!'

    If you want to want to use the feature below where the plugin will

    automaticly list the sites then set the message in the text above

    AutoInputSites: true

    For each VoteSite

    make sure to set VoteURL in your VoteSites

    Requires above to be true

    Text will be sent before this

    Sites: '&b%num%: &7&l%SiteName% &7» %url%'

    If true, links will always be forced as urls

    ForceLinks: true

    Format for /vote next


    First line

    Title: '&3&l%player% Next Votes:'

    How each line is setup for each vote site

    %info% = Info - See Below

    %SiteName% = site name from vote

    Layout: '&3%SiteName%: &6%info%'


    Message when player can vote

    CanVote: 'Go Vote!'

    Time until vote msg

    %hours% = hours until next vote

    %minutes% = minutes until next vote

    TimeUntilVote: '%hours% Hours and %minutes% Minutes'

    If there is an error finding out time until next vote

    Error: '&cCould not caculate time until next vote!'

    For sites that have this, requires votedelaydaily to be set to true in the site

    VoteDelayDaily: '%hours% Hours and %minutes% Minutes'

    Format for /vote last


    First line

    Title: '&3&l%player% Last Vote Times:'

    Lines for each vote site

    %time% = time, using timeformat below

    %timesince% = time since vote

    Line: '&3%SiteName%: &6%timeSince%'

    Spelling of TimeType can be changed under Format.Commands.TimeFormats

    TimeFormat: '%amount% %TimeType%' LastVoted: '%times% ago' NeverVoted: 'Never voted'

    Format for /vote total


    • '&3&l%player% Total Votes:'
    • '&3&lDaily Total: &6&l%DailyTotal%'
    • '&3&lWeekly Total: &6&l%WeeklyTotal%'
    • '&3&lMonthly Total: &6&l%MonthlyTotal%'
    • '&3&lAllTime Total: &6&l%AllTimeTotal%'

    Format for /vote total all


    • '&3&lServer Total Votes:'
    • '&3&lDaily Total: &6&l%DailyTotal%'
    • '&3&lWeekly Total: &6&l%WeeklyTotal%'
    • '&3&lMonthly Total: &6&l%MonthlyTotal%'
    • '&3&lAllTime Total: &6&l%AllTimeTotal%'

    Format for /vote top


    First line

    %page% = current page

    %maxpages% = max number of pages

    %Top% = Monthly/Weekly/Daily (depending on command)

    Title: '&3Top %Top% Voters %page%/%maxpages%'

    Line for each player in that page

    Line: '&c%num%: &6%player%, %votes%'

    Format for /vote help


    Title of /vote help

    Title: '&6&lVoting Player Help'

    Format for help message in /v help

    Line: '&6%Command% - &6%HelpMessage%'

    Hover color for help message

    Hex format: #HEXCOLOR

    HoverColor: AQUA

    Require permission to see command in /v help or /av help

    RequirePermission: true

    Best: Title: '&3&l%player% Best Votes' Lines:

    • '&3Highest Daily Total: &3&l%HighestDailyTotal%'
    • '&3Highest Week Total: &3&l%HighestWeeklyTotal%'
    • '&3Highest Month Total: &3&l%HighestMonthlyTotal%'

    Streak: Title: '&3&l%player% Vote Streak' Lines:

    • '&3Current Daily Streak: &3&l%DailyStreak%'
    • '&3Current Week Streak: &3&l%WeeklyStreak%'
    • '&3Current Month Streak: &3&l%MonthlyStreak%'
    • '&3&lHighest Streaks:'
    • '&3Highest Daily Streak: &3&l%BestDailyStreak%'
    • '&3Highest Week Streak: &3&l%BestWeeklyStreak%'
    • '&3Highest Month Streak: &3&l%BestMonthlyStreak%'

    Today: Title:

    • "&cToday's Votes %page%/%maxpage%"
    • '&cPlayerName : VoteSite : Time' Line: '&6%player% : %VoteSite% : %Time%'


    %VotesRequired% = VotesRequired

    %NeededVotes% = Number of votes needed to reach VotesRequired

    %Votes% = Number of votes


    • '&cCurrently at &6%Votes%&c, &6%NeededVotes% &cmore votes to go to reach &6%VotesRequired%'

    %Points% = player points

    Points: '&a%Player% currently has &a&l%Points%&a Points!'

    /vote givepoints command

    Transfer between players command

    Enable command below

    GivePoints: NotEnoughPoints: '&cNot enough points' NotJoinedServer: '&c%player% has not joined the server' NumberLowerThanZero: '&cNumber of points needs to be greater than 0' TransferFrom: '&c%transfer% points given to %touser%' TransferTo: '&cYou received %transfer% points from %fromuser%'

    ToggleBroadcasts: Enabled: '&cYou will now see vote broadcasts' Disabled: '&cYou will no longer see vote broadcasts'

    ToggleReminders: Enabled: '&cVote reminders enabled' Disabled: '&cVote reminders disabled'

Msg on top voter award, will only send message if that place has a reward set %place% = place - 1,2,3,etc

TopVoterAwardMsg: '&aYou came in %place% in top voters of the month! Here is an award!' Time Format See

TimeFormat: 'EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm' Reward time format for %date% placeholder (Time of giving reward)

RewardTimeFormat: 'EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm'

TimeFormats: Day: 'Day' Days: 'Days' Hour: 'Hour' Hours: 'Hours' Minute: 'Minute' Minutes: 'Minutes' Second: 'Second' Seconds: 'Seconds' Format for signs SiteName may be all, depending on sign %position% = position of player, set by sign %votes% = Number of votes

Signs: TopVoterSign: Line1: 'TopVoter: %SiteName%' Line2: '#%position%' Line3: '%player%' Line4: '%votes% Votes'

Message when right clicking sign, uses same placeholders as above

RightClickMessage: '&c&l%player% &cis &c&l%position% &cwith &c&l%votes% &cvotes in &c&l%SiteName%' Message when player tries to run command without required permissions

NoPerms: '&cYou do not have enough permission!' Message when player types a command but does not input a number where needed

NotNumber: '&cError on &6%arg%&c, number expected!' Shop messages when using the /vote shop

ShopPurchase: '&aYou bought the %Identifier% for %Points% Points!' ShopFailed: '&cYou do not have %Points% points to purchase this!' ShopNotPurchasable: '&cThis item is not buyable!' User not exist message, from commands such as /vote next (player)

UserNotExist: '&cUser does not exist: %player%' Prev/Next page tems in GUIs

PrevItem: Material: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' Amount: 1 Name: '&aPrevious Page'

NextItem: Material: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' Amount: 1 Name: '&aNext Page'

InvFull: '&cInventory full' Display text Used in /vote top (GUI)

TopVoter: Daily: 'Daily' Weekly: 'Weekly' Monthly: 'Monthly' AllTime: 'AllTime' Playernames to not be broadcasted when voting case sensitive

VotingBroadcastBlacklist: [] Playernames to not be broadcasted when broadcast comes from reward file case sensitive

BroadcastBlacklist: []

########################################### Top Voter Top voter rewards available in specialrewards.yml

########################################### Top voter blacklist Hide these names from top voter lists


  • 'Notch'

If true players with the permission 'VotingPlugin.TopVoter.Ignore' will act as if there name was added on the the blacklist above This also applies for players with op

TopVoterIgnorePermission: false /vote top default data displayed Valid Options: AllTime, Monthly, Weekly, Daily

VoteTopDefault: Monthly Whether or not to have ties on top voter rewards

TopVoterAwardsTies: true These are required to be enabled in order for top voter awards to work

LoadTopVoter: AllTime: true Monthly: true Weekly: false Daily: false Maxium number of players to show on top voter Set to -1 for no limit

MaxiumNumberOfTopVotersToLoad: 1000 When top voter awards are given (even if there are none listed) it will store top voters Files will created in TopVoters folder. Monthly top voters are always saved by default now

StoreTopVoters: Weekly: false Daily: false Limit monthly votes to number of days of a month multipled by the number of sites

LimitMonthlyVotes: false

########################################### Debug

########################################### Debug levels: NONE INFO EXTRA

DebugLevel: NONE Debug info ingame Players with permission "VotingPlugin.Debug" will see debug info if debug is true

DebugInGame: false Will log debug messages to VotingPlugin/Log/log.txt Only needed for extreme cases

LogDebugToFile: false

Whether or not to log every vote to a file Use this if you wanna track player votes Not recommended though

LogVotesToFile: false

########################################### Placeholderapi placeholders settings

########################################### When enabled the command /vote setprimaryaccount (playername) will be shown (after restart) Primary account will be used instead of the players account to get placeholder and other data such as vote reminding Mainly to be used for alts and such

UsePrimaryAccountForPlaceholders: false Valid Options: AUTO - Auto cache after they have been used (Recommended) SPECIFIC

  • Only cache certain placeholders NONE - Don't cache any placeholders

PlaceholderCacheLevel: AUTO Placeholder controls Add _process to end of placeholder to force a return value rather than . or .. if no cached value is ready Add nocache to end of placeholder to skip cache and retrive a live value, uses a direct mysql connection, do not use on main thread Set which placeholders to cache at all times Use for placeholders to are pulled constantly or on the main thread Mainly aimed for scoreboards that pull placeholders often Placeholders may auto cache in certain conditions (if enabled above) Will use additional memory, but not a lot Still in early stages, please report bugs Please remove VotingPlugin from the placeholder listed here

CachedPlaceholders: []

- Total_AllTime

When enabled, javascript will be parsed on placeholders (from placeholderapi) allows more fancy placeholders with math for example

UseJavascriptPlaceholders: false Custom placeholder returns For the example below use %votingplugin_custom_enoughpoints_5% DO NOT USE ON MAIN THREAD IF POSSIBLE Keep everything lowercase


'enoughpoints_5': 'true': 'User has enough points' 'false': 'User does not have enough points'

########################################### Login options

########################################### If true vanished players are treated as if they are offline

TreatVanishAsOffline: false Delays login event, delays vote reminding and more In miliseconds, 1000 = 1 second

DelayLoginEvent: 0 Wait until user is logged in with AuthMe Requires AuthMe

WaitUntilLoggedIn: true

########################################### Disable/Enable features

########################################### If true, cooldown check is disabled

DisableCoolDownCheck: false If true, disable PlayerInteractEvent (for clicking signs and skulls)

DisableInteractEvent: false Disable this on a hub server for example Still processes rewards for offline rewards (just won't give any)

ProcessRewards: true Set to true to disable no service site message on voting You should never have to touch this if everything is setup properly Will also disable a few other warnings about vote sites

DisableNoServiceSiteMessage: false Count fake votes If true fake votes will give points and totals

CountFakeVotes: true Whether or not to disable update checks

DisableUpdateChecking: false Enable per site cooldown events, requires more resources to use Requires restart

PerSiteCoolDownEvents: false Queue votes during a time change (doesn't apply to bungee voting) Votes will be given when time change is completed

QueueVotesDuringTimeChange: false If true, plugin will automaticly generate votesites Disable this if you experience issues with sites being created randomly Most cases this will work all the time

AutoCreateVoteSites: true Set this to false to disable the plugin adding totals Not really recommended

AddTotals: true If false, votestreaks will be disabled

UseVoteStreaks: true If false, storing best totals will be disabled

UseHighestTotals: true Enable Geyser prefix support Geyser support is hit or miss currently May work best if players vote with prefix

GeyserPrefixSupport: false GeyserPrefix: '*' Whether or not to create daily backups. (Only the most recent ones get kept)

CreateBackups: true Automaticly download the latest version Will require a restart to actually update Note: It takes 30-40 minutes before being able to download the latest build You can also use /av download

AutoDownload: false If false plugin will use offline player UUIDs

OnlineMode: true Disable checking on world change May improve performance

DisableCheckOnWorldChange: false

If true, number of vote shop purchases will be tracked Data will be tracked in serverdata.yml, may change in the future No commands to view data currently

TrackShopPurchases: false

########################################### Skull settings

########################################### Preload skulls to improve performance for vote top when using skulls as the item to display players If false, skulls will be cached as they are used assuming loadskulls is enabled

PreloadSkulls: false Setting to false disables saving skulls in a cache to improve speeds Will reduce ram usage (very little) if disabled, but slow GUI speeds when using skulls

LoadSkulls: true

########################################### Extra checks on vote

########################################### If true, allsites will have an extra check to prevent duplicate allsites from being given

ExtraAllSitesCheck: false This is an extra safe guard to prevent milestones from being executed more than once Shoudn't be needed, but enable if you have trouble with milestones

PreventRepeatMilestones: false Number of points to give on vote Set to 0 to give no points

PointsOnVote: 1 May need to enable this for bungee setups Let players who never joined before vote Recommend: False (Will prevent creating random user data)

AllowUnjoined: false Use server lookup for when allowunjoined is set to false Recommend leaving enabled unless you face issues

AllowUnJoinedCheckServer: true

############################################## Command/Permission settings

############################################## Give VotingPlugin.Player by default Requires restart to take affect

GiveDefaultPermission: true Permissions given by VotingPlugin.Player by default Permissions listed here will no be accessible with the default permission

DisabledDefaultPermissions: [] If true, /vote will open /vote gui by default

UseVoteGUIMainCommand: false Disable checking permissions on tab complete Could increase performance slightly, but probably not

DisableAdvancedTab: false Load command aliases, such as /avgui Requires restart to take effect

LoadCommandAliases: true Use vault for permission checks May not work on some plugins

UseVaultPermissions: false List of disabled commands from /vote List the specific permission E.g: - PERMISSION

DisabledCommands: [] If true, permissions will be handled differently

MultiplePermissionsCheck: false Allow transfer of vote points between players Requires restart for command to load Command: /vote givepoints (player) (points)

AllowVotePointTransfers: false

AddCustomCommands: false Injects custom command to /vote Requires AddCustomCommand: true to be set

CustomCommands: identifier, not specific name

command1: Args:

  • token

    Message to send on command

    Message: 'token message'

    Permission for this command

    Permission: ''

    help message

    HelpMessage: 'See tokens'

    Forces player to run this command


  • tokencommand

############################################## Background task settings

############################################## Only update in the background when needed when set to false

AlwaysUpdate: false Update in the background only if players are online

UpdateWithPlayersOnlineOnly: false Delay between background updates like signs and more Default: 3 Minutes Longer times result in longer wait in stuff updating after a vote, like topvoter

DelayBetweenUpdates: 3 Enable to true for extra player checks Recommend leaving this to false

ExtraBackgroundUpdate: false

########################################## Inventory controls

########################################## Click sound when using gui Set to none for no sound

ClickSound: Sound: 'UI_BUTTON_CLICK' Volume: 1.0 Pitch: 1.0 If true, items given for rewards are dropped on the ground If false, items will be given when there is space

DropOnFullInv: true This will prevent spam clicking GUI's to prevent exploits Number is time in between clicking in milliseconds

SpamClickTime: 150 Message to send when inventory forced closed when spam clicking Uncomment to use

SpamClickMessage: '&cDetected spam clicking GUI, closing to prevent

exploits' Will force GUI's to close on every click

AlwaysCloseInventory: false Close inventory on player vote This is to prevent any possible exploits

CloseInventoryOnVote: true This will close GUI's if you shift click them rather than a regular This can help prevent exploits

CloseGUIOnShiftClick: false

########################################### Purge settings

########################################### Remove old player files Happens on startup or /av purge

PurgeOldData: false Minimum number of days offline in order to purge

PurgeMin: 90

########################################## Extra options Options below don't need to be touched

########################################## If enabled, data is repulled from storage on vote shop purchase This prevents possible exploits with vote shop

ExtraVoteShopCheck: true Options for request api Current methods: ANVIL BOOK CHAT This is mainly used for admin gui's to type in values

RequestAPI: DefaultMethod: 'Anvil' DisabledMethods: []


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