BenEgeIzmirli / Whittler

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Filter results by regex on line #26

Open GideonWolfe opened 3 years ago

GideonWolfe commented 3 years ago

Say you have an abundance of benign thumbprints or hashes polluting the results from of the modules.

You can attempt to filter these exact strings out, or even similar ones, but by nature of thumbprints, you won't get them all.

However, a lot of the time there is an identifying feature that can be used to eliminate these false positives; another string within that same line (or even range of lines). For example, thumbprints will be different across files but might always contain thumbPrint in the variable name.

This feature would add an additional option to this selection during the game:

I can search for results where the "stringsFound" attribute:
 1 : contains the specific value above
 2 : contains a particular substring (case-insensetive)
 3 : loosely resembles this value (fuzzy string matching)
 4 : never mind

Where one could select to contains string in line and then enter the (sub)string, and a possible range of lines to search.