BenLangmead / bowtie

An ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner
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Is there an equivalent of "Bowtie2 --very-sensitive" for Bowtie1 [suggested label = Question] #137

Open AndreaMariani-AM opened 1 year ago

AndreaMariani-AM commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

great tools guys. As the title says, i was debating with some colleagues as whether there is an alternative/a close set up that one can use to replicate (to certain extents) the behaviour of the command

bowtie2 --very-sensitive

with the software bowtie1. We came across a paper that uses that bowtie2 for its alignment and we were wondering if we can replicate it somehow with bowtie1 or there's gonna be a huge difference if someone would run bowtie1 with their own parameters.

I'm looking for any advices on this matter.

Thanks again