Code repository for the environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program--Community Edition software program
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Running BenMAP at 1km resolution over CONUS #161

Open kfarzad opened 1 year ago

kfarzad commented 1 year ago


I am wondering if it is possible to run BenMAP as such high resolution over CONUS. I was able to run it at 6km for now, and I am struggling for 4km. I would like to know what would be the bottlenecks for doing such.

Also, another question would be, how much difference potentially I may get? Since the population datasets are available at the County scale and CMAQ 12km resolution.

Thanks, Kiarash

nfann commented 1 year ago

Hi Kiarsh,

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble running an analysis using 4km by 4km gridded air quality concentrations. I'm guessing that you're using the x64 version of the program? You may be aware that we're transitioning the program to the cloud, which will make these types of analyses much easier to execute. In the interim, you may consider breaking your analysis into two or more regions and running each of these regions separately.

To your second question--if your population and air quality predictions are available at the county and 12km scale, I would not recommend estimating health impacts at a scale more finely resolved than 12km.

Best wishes, Neal FAnn