BenPru / luxtronik

Luxtronik integration for Home Assistant
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Heat amount decreasing, but state_class is total_increasing #235

Open ChrisMisker opened 5 months ago

ChrisMisker commented 5 months ago

The sensor heat_amount_heating has a state_class of "total_increasing", but sometimes I see a decrease in the amount of heat generated. That's strange, isn't it? Seems like that shouldn't be possible.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-02-01 om 09 45 00 Scherm­afbeelding 2024-02-01 om 09 46 25
BenPru commented 4 months ago

Please connect an USB-Stick to your heatpump and activate the data logger. Then look into it and validate that the peaks are not in the data from the Luxtronik data logger.

ChrisMisker commented 4 months ago

@BenPru I've got the data... but no idea how to open them. Can you point me in the right direction?

ChrisMisker commented 4 months ago

Another strange thing happened last night:

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-02-13 om 10 35 21

I have the datalogger downlad, but no idea what to do with it.

BenPru commented 4 months ago

Can you point me in the right direction?

You should find three files: DTA+CSV+ERR The CSV can you open with Excel. See also:

ChrisMisker commented 4 months ago

OK, so I have the data... and I also have OpenDTA (DTAgui) and loaded the data... but most of the variables are in German or shortened, so I have no where to look. I have also exported the data to csv and opened it in Excel, but I can't find any data corresponding to heat amount heating (luxtronik key 0151 calculations.ID_WEB_WMZ_Heizung). I really want to figure this out... because it's messing up my COP calculations. ;-) Can you help? I can send the data file.

Kars-de-Jong commented 4 months ago

Are you sure your heat pump controller hasn't restarted? I have seen several people on a german forum report crashes with version 3.89.x of the firmware.

ChrisMisker commented 4 months ago

Are you sure your heat pump controller hasn't restarted? I have seen several people on a german forum report crashes with version 3.89.x of the firmware.

Yes, sure that could be the reason for my 2nd message here. But the first message, where I show the sensor decreases, while this shouldn't be possible. That's strange behavior...

Crashman1983 commented 4 months ago

With the current firmware (don't know if that was the case before) the Heatpump seams to "correct itself". Another situation where a decrease can be seen, is during deicing (Abtauen). Seems to be normal. My Luxtronik is crashing is well and sometimes it destroys my statistics.

Same here: